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She appears in front of me, a cloud of green smoke fills the room for a brief moment.
I have to act fast before Moira comes back.
"Nessa, what's wrong..."
I quickly put my finger up to my lips to stop her from talking too loudly.
"We have to go" I whisper hastily "now,"
"Well, well" a sickly familiar voice calls.
Madame Morrible steps in from the bedroom hallway, the Halen tucked securely under her arm.
"I just knew you'd drop by," she exclaims excitedly.
"Nessa!" Elphaba cries rushing closer to the front of the desk, she throws open her spell book to a book marked page.
"No so fast," Madame Morrible mutters "you wouldn't leave without this." She waves the Halen out in front of her.

Elphaba doesn't know what to do, I don't know what to do.
It seems the only person with a plan is unfortunately Madame Morrible.
"You try to leave and I'll say the first spell I can find and I don't care what it does"
Madame Morribles voice sends shivers through my spine.
I look at Elphie in dismay, her eyes are highly focused on Madame Morrible, they don't miss a moment.
"Why, why did you come here, you don't want my sister," Elphaba barks.
Madame Morrible laughs eerily.
"Oh but I do, you see, she can read the Halen, if all else fails I'll just take her with me"
Elphaba narrows her eyes.
I feel so helpless, just sat here like a target.
"So whats it going to be Elphaba, you or your sister?"
My eyes flicker between the two, I know what Elphie will say.
"Elphaba you can't, people need you!" I cry.
"I've spoken about your attitude before, what makes you think I won't again." Madame Morrible yells, I shrink down onto my chair.

All of a sudden, Madame Morrible rushes towards me.
"I'll make this an easy decision!" She howls, Elphaba backs away and Madame Morrible begins to read.
It's a fast spell and I can't tell if the words are correct or not.
A cloud of green smoke pours out of the Halen, Madame Morrible drops it in terror, she backs away to the other side of the room.
The smoke travels along the floor towards me and disappears around my feet.
"It didn't do anything!" Madame Morrible cries "why has nothing happened?"
Elphaba looks as though she's going to cry, she turns the Grimmere to a random page and mutters a spell.
The whole room goes pitch black.
There's a screech from Madame Morrible then the light returns.
She's nowhere to be seen, then there's a loud banging sound from the desk.
I look closely and see that inside my golden mirror, where my reflection should be, is Madame Morrible.
"The mirror!" I exclaim.
Suddenly my vision blurs, I cry out from my sister before everything goes dark again and I slump forward.

I wake up, I'm in bed.
Elphaba has her hand on my forehead, she looks concerned, I don't feel like I'm completely awake, my head is pounding like a drum.
She's crying,
"The spell," she sobs "Madame Morrible cast a spell on you"
Elphaba begins to take large shaky breaths, she removes her hand from my head and sits down against the wall, her knees pulled up to her chest, she wraps her arms around them tightly.
I almost forget what she's talking about.
"Bocs spell" I whisper, the disenchantment, I shouldn't have had any spells cast on me.
"I should have acted sooner" Elphaba splutters "oh Nessa forgive me"
My eyes feel heavy, blinking is growing more tiresome.
"It's not your fault, I was the one who wanted to be independent" I mumble hazily.

I open my eyes suddenly, I must have fallen asleep but I'm unsure for how long.
Elphaba is still next to me, her cheeks are wet from tears.
She peers at me then cries more.
"Nessa go to sleep," she cries "it's so early"
I'm so glad that no students are awake.
"Elphaba, you saved me," I say suddenly. "Thank you."
I close my eyes again but don't fall asleep again for a while, I just lie there and listen to the sound of my sister crying, knowing there's nothing I can do to help.
After a while of just lying there with my eyes shut I finally decide to address my pounding headache.
"Elphie, what happens in the morning?" I ask, Elphaba suddenly looks up and frantically scrubs at her eyes,
"Is Madame Morrible alive in that mirror?"
I think about that, I hope she's not.
I know that's a horrible cruel thing to say but I just don't feel safe with her around.
"Well find out." Elphaba whispers uneasily,
"What about Harley and Dr Dillamomd?" I say frantically, I can feel my heart beating fiercely inside of my chest "what do we tell them?"
"The truth Ness," Elphaba mumbles "I'll do it, how are you feeling?"
I smile to myself, the room is quite dark so I hope Elphie doesn't she my grin.
"I feel awful," I say pathetically "but I'm just glad that your with me."

I can hear that Elphaba is crying again, theres so much that needs to be said but I just can't focus my mind right now, I feel so sick.
It really scares me to think what spell Madame Morrible wanted to cast on me, I'm scared to think what would have happened if the circumstances were different.
I know that Elphie isn't going to leave me alone now, she's going to try to take me home but I don't want to go, I can't get used to having my family with me all the time.
I can't get stuck in that pattern that everything is going to be okay, I have a responsibility now, a duty that I have to fulfil.
I can't imagine what everyone else will be thinking, I just want to be held.
Like a child, I want to feel safe.

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