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After telling Dr Dillamond about yesterday's antics we both agreed that it would be a good idea to take Nessa home for a while.
Nessa on the other hand, insisted that she was fine to stay.
But after she cried for an hour stating that her head hurt, she had to give in.
Dr Dillamomd was very understanding and promised that her position would be waiting for her when she comes back.
If she comes back.
I'm trying not to think like that but sometimes it just can't be helped.
Something even more concerning is the mirror.
Nessas golden handheld mirror now contains Madame Morrible, who isn't to happy about her current predicament.
The worst part is that she doesn't need to sleep anymore and just constantly berates us, though I've found that placing a thick cloth over the mirror muffles her unending complaint, it's just the fact that she's there that bothers me.

We're all sat in the lounge now, none of us really knowing what to talk about.
Fiyero is leaned against the wall by the door, Glinda, Boc and I are sat on the floor.
Nessa is sprawled out on the sofa.
She does try to join in with the conversation when someone tries to spark one, but she ultimately ends up either speaking too quietly or beginning to breathe too heavily to talk.
It's horrible to watch, I can't imagine what she's feeling, the worse part about is that I don't know how long it will last.
A day?
A month?
Glinda keeps crying and Boc keeps whispering to her.
"How is Dr Dillamomd?" Glinda sniffs, feebly trying to start a conversation.
"He seems fine, all things considered." I say blankly, I turn to look at Nessa who smiles weakly at me then looks up at the ceiling.

After a while of painful silence Fiyero pulls me out of the room.
He pulls me in close to chis chest and just holds me there.
And I sob.
I just can't keep it in, nothing ever goes to plan and I can't deal with it anymore.
I turn to go back inside but he catches my arm.
"I have to go back in there" I say hesitantly,
"Your not helping her when your like this, your just getting her more stressed because she knows your sad" Fiyero says suddenly, "your important too Elphaba."
I don't feel it, I've never felt it, I've put Nessa before myself so many times except from that day when I left her.
No, my sister needs me and I can't leave her.
"Fiyero I have to,"
"What are we going to do about that mirror?"
I feel my cheeks begin to burn.
"Look, I don't know, just let me go and be with my sister!" I snap, I instantly regret it, Fiyeros hurt and shocked face really drills it in.
I looks at him fondly but he turns away, I go back into the lounge and he follows shortly.

The room is so quiet, Boc is sat against the wall staring down at his hands, Glinda is knelt by the sofa, every so often she strokes Nessas forehead.
I don't know what to do with myself, I feel useless.
I step forward slowly until I'm in the middle of the room.
Boc lifts his head up and catches my eye, he opens his mouth as if to speak, but looks just behind my shoulder.
I raise and eyebrow quizzically at him.
"What do we do with the mirror?" Boc mumbles to me.
"Can people stop asking me that!" I shout, my cheeks burn like fire, I feel so angry.
"I don't know, can people just leave me alone!"
I hear a whimpering sound coming from Nessas direction.
She has her hands over her warms.
"Elphaba stop it," Glinda hisses "your upsetting Nessa,"
For a moment I hover in the middle of the room, standing my ground but I soon decide that I can't be in this room any longer.

I rush out, Fiyero tried to stop me but I shake him off.
I run down the corridor until I get to a spare room, the one that Nessa had been sleeping in.
I throw myself to the floor and sob loudly.
I just can't do this anymore.
"Oh would you stop crying," a vile voice sneers.
It's a quiet sound but quickly I remember this is the room with the mirror in it.
I get up and walk over to the bedside table, where the mirror is resting.
Madame Morrible looks as horrible as ever.
"Why did you have to go to Shiz?" I cry out angry, Madame Morrible just smiles.
"Not having a good time Elphaba? Me neither!"
I turn away from the mirror, trying not to look this wretched woman in the eyes.
"Don't suppose you have a spell to let me out?" Moira asks.
I roll my eyes.
"Even if I did why would I let you out now?"
Moira bangs on the glass, the noise thunders throughout the room and rings my ears.
"Just thought you might like to do a nice thing for an old woman."
I don't want to put up with this anymore.
I open up a drawer and hastily shove the mirror inside.
I place a dirty cloth on top of it and forcefully close the drawer.

I venture back out into the hallway, not knowing where to go, there's nowhere for me to go.
I don't want to be back in the lounge, until I feel that I won't start yelling at people again.
Seeing Nessa with her hands over her ears made me feel terrible.
Just as I was heading upstairs, I feel a hand tap me on the shoulder, I spin round to see Boc.
He's standing awkwardly behind me, twiddling his thumbs.
"Elphaba..." he begins,
"I'm so sorry for shouting," I splutter, the words practically pouring out of my moth.
Boc shakes his head.
"Elphaba, I think we should bring Harley here." He says.
"Why do you say that?" I mumble, I really hate to see someone looking after my sister instead of me, I know it's incredibly selfish but I don't care.
"Nessas scared she my never go back to Shiz, if we bring Harley here then it shows that Shiz is still waiting for her."
I nod and silently agree, even though it pains me to say yes.
I do think that Harley being here would be for the best.

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