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After mine and Glindas long hug, we went inside our old house.
Munchkin Land Manor.
Nessas in an armchair, Fiyeros sat with me and Glinda is pacing the floor.
"I don't understand!" She splutters after a while "how are you alive?"
I look at Fiyero, he nods at me.
"We faked it," he says, Glinda uses her want to steady herself on the floor.
"And what about Nessa?" She says, looking at my sister lovingly.
"I brought her back to life, with the spell book" I say solemnly, Nessa glances over at Glinda then back at me.
"I'm just so glad to see you!" Glinda cries, her eyes filling with tears.
It feels so strange to be back in this house, my house.
"I wish everyone else was," Nessa says, her eyes going red.
"Oh but they will be, once I go out and convince them of the truth, they will be delighted" Glinda says, rushing over and crouching by nessas feet.
Nessa nods, but I can tell she's not convinced, neither am I.

"Glinda" I say after a long moment of silence "where are we going to sleep?"
Glinda gets up from in front of Nessa and walks over to the doorway,
"In your old rooms I guess, they haven't changed" she says, a blank expression seizing her face "Fiyero can sleep here, or wherever he wants really, no one lives here, I didn't allow it"
Nessa rests a hand on the arm of her chair and lays her head in it.
Glinda looks as though she might cry again and flaps her hands around her eyes.
"I'll be outside if you need me." She says, scurrying away.
Fiyero stands up and follows her out.
I clench my fists and go over to Nessa.
"Feeling okay?" I ask softly,
"Everything feels so wrong," she says sadly, "I feel small again"
I look around the room, it feels so familiar yet so different at the same time.
"Maybe one of your chairs are around here somewhere, do you want me to look for it?" I say, pathetically trying to lighten up the mood.
Nessa shrugs and puts her head back into her hands.
I take it upon myself to decide that she would in fact be happier with her chair, I head off to investigate.

Being back in this house feels so unusual, I haven't been in our bedroom yet and I don't plan on going there till I've looked in every other room.
I hope Nessa is alright on her own, perhaps Glinda and Fiyero have come back in the room with her.
It's so quiet upstairs, I go into one of our spare rooms, the walls are blank and the carpet is soft and kept.
On the floor there is a torn up picture of father, I wonder if Nessa did it out of frustration.
I shudder and turn away from the photo, even in tiny pieces fathers stare still sends chills down my spine.
Since nessas chair isn't here, I decide to look elsewhere.
I go back downstairs and into fathers old study, there it is.
Nessas Governor chair, it had barley any dust on it and seems to look almost as good as new.
I push it back out into the lounge, Glinda and Fiyero are back with Nessa, who looks like she's been crying.
They all fixate their eyes on the chair.
"Found this," I say meekly, "feel like getting in ness?"
She shrugs again, I'm not sure why she's being like this, but never the less I still go over to her and carry her into it.
"It's been so long" she mutters.
It's been about two years since Nessa has been in a chair, it seems really odd.

Nessa pushes herself forward slightly, she narrows her eyebrows and looks down at the chair.
"Hey" Glinda says loudly, breaking the silence "why don't you and Fiyero go out into your garden and I'll stay here with Nessa"
I look over at Nessa, who just shrugs again, then at Fiyero, who seems rather happy by the idea.
Me and Glinda share a smile and I walk out into our garden with Fiyero.

"This is... nice" I say fumbling for words,
Fiyero hums and twiddles his thumbs.
"How are you feeling?" Fiyero asks, stroking the side of my face with his rough hand.
"Worried, but I'm sure Glinda can convince the Munchkins that we are innocent"
Fiyero nods.
I take his hand off of my face and grasp it tightly in mine.
"I hope Nessa is alright" I mumble, Fiyero looks at me, his eyes kind but concerned.
"I'm sure she will be fine, she just needs some more time adjusting"
I hope he's right, I would do anything to make her happy.
But she makes it so difficult sometimes, I just can't seem to read her emotions half the time but I know that her time as governess really changed her outlook on things, she used to be so optimistic and then everything around her changed.
"Elphaba, you look lost in thought" Fiyero says, jolting me out of my thinking,
"Just thinking about things," I mumble gazing into Fiyeros eyes.
"You've always had a problem with that, you can never seem to stop thinking."
I chuckle at his statement, though he's probably right, I always overthink things.
I hate to say it but it's one of my traits i get from father, he always seemed to blow things out of proportion and panic about everything, both of our things being Nessa.
I always seem to forget that she's not a child anymore.
"Want to go back inside?" Fiyero asks, stroking my hair as it blows wildly in the wind.
"Not yet, lets give Glinda and Nessa time to talk first"
Fiyero nods as if I've just said something incredibly intelligent.
I'm really not as smart as he says I am.
"Elphaba, I really don't know what I'd do without you" Fiyero says pulling me in closer to him.
Our lips touch.

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