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We all stand awkwardly, Glindas still crying, just like I saw in my vision.
I keep glancing over at Nessa, who also looks as though she could burst into tears at any moment.
Fiyero has his hand wrapped tightly round mine.
I hope he never lets go.
"Nessa," I whisper, she tilts her head back and raises her eyes brows, awaiting what I'm about to say. "Can I speak to you for a moment?"
I step over to her and have to practically prize Glinda away form her, Nessa looks up at me, her eyes hazy and scared.
I beckon her out into the hallway as Fiyero try's to console Glinda.

"Are you alright?"
Nessa shakes her head,
"Anything I can do to help?" I ask carefully, my voice shaking slightly.
Nessa leans forward in her chair and stares up the staircase,
"I remember when I fell down there" she mutters sadly,
I think about it, how scary the morning after was when father had to rush Nessa off to the doctors.
"You where so good to me and I... I never thanked you enough" Nessas voice cracks and she bursts into tears, I bend down beside her and try to calm her down.
I don't know what to say to her, because she doesn't want to hear me try to tell her that everything's fine.
Because it's not, we both know that.
"Ness, don't be so hard on yourself, we were just kids" I say softly, trying not to alert Glinda that Nessas upset.
"I'm so tired Elphie, I want to go to bed!" Nessa Cries, sounding so childlike.
I almost start crying at the pain in her voice.
I know that we have a guest room downstairs, I grab hold of Nessas Chair handles and push in the direction of the spare room.
It takes longer than I anticipate, I scamper forward and open the door, Nessa pushes herself through and over to the bed.
It's a double and has a very thick, silk duvet on it.
The whole room is painted a dark, all be it faded, shade of blue.
The Duvet matching, the whole room looking like the deepest depths of the ocean.
I carefully lift Nessa into the bed and she tucks herself in.
"Sleep tight" I say lovingly, stepping out of the room. I leave the door adjacent so I can hear Nessa if she needs anything, and make my way back to the others.

"Where's Nessa?" Fiyero asks when I return to the lounge,
I sit down onto the soft sofa.
"She wanted to go to sleep" I say sadly,
Glinda sniffs loudly and comes and sits next to me.
"Oh Elphie, I'm so sorry about her shoes, I really didn't know" Glinda whispers, "couldn't you do the spell again?"
I've never thought of it, I didn't do it in the cottage because we had no shoes that fit her, but here we could possibly find some!
Fiyero grins at me and sits down on the sofa opposite us.
"Oh Elphie that would be wonderful if you could do that" Glinda says sadly.
I look at her in the eyes, they haven't changed, still bright and beautiful.
"Only if that's what Nessa wants"

Hours speed by and no one says a word, even though there's so much to talk about.
Glindas stopped crying and is now pacing the floor, a repetitive sound that I've unknowingly been keeping count of.
"I'll be back in a bit" Fiyero says suddenly, slowly making his way into the hallway.
"Where are you going?" I ask, forcefully.
"To check on Nessa," he says, leaving the room.
Glinda stops walking abruptly and scurries ones to sit next to me.
"He's so kind" she says politely, a tinge of saddens creeping in.
I nod and lean back on the sofa, it feels so comfy.
After all the hours of walking today, I'm taking this well deserved rest.
"Glinda, does Boc still love you"
She glances over at me and holds her hands together,
"Not sure," she says looking over at her wand, that she set down over by the table.
"Why do you ask?"
I sit upright,
"I want him and Nessa to talk, just the two of them"
I think it's the only thing to give Nessa peace of mind when she makes the decision if I'm going to enchant another pair of shoes.
"I'll see what I can do" Glinda says politely, "I guess I'll go and speak to the Munchkins now, wish me luck" Glinda adds standing up and walking over to the front door, Fiyero passes her on the way in.

"Where's she going?"
"To talk to the munchkins" I say standing up to embrace Fiyero, his hugs are always so calming.
"How was Nessa" I ask hurriedly,
Fiyero tilts my chin up towards him.
"She's still asleep, no need to threat"
I lean my head into his chest,
"Was this a good idea?" I ask shakily "coming back"
Fiyero holds me at arms length.
Suddenly I see a flash, a vision.
Nessa sobbing uncontrollably.
I drop down onto the floor.
Fiyero tries to bend down, but I scramble away into the hallway.
"What happened? What did you see?" He calls out frantically,
"I have to get to Nessa" I cry, taking in deep gulps of air between words.

I finally make it to Nessas room, she's still asleep.
I walk in through the open door and sit down on the floor, leaning my back against the bed.
I sob slightly, trying not to wake her up.
I hate having visions, the stronger once's especially.
I decide it's probably best that I don't stay in here, I stand up slowly,
I hear Nessa stir in her sleep, I look over at how peaceful she looks.
I smile to myself.
I step out of the room and stand out in the hallway, through one of the windows I can see Glinda trying desperately to convince the Munchkins that we mean no harm.

Wonderful | wicked | book 2/3Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant