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I step meekly out of fathers office, clutching the HALEN in my hands.
I'm trembling I've found a spell, It may not be the spell that Madame Morrible was talking about, but it's the only spell I'm interested in.
"Nessa!" Elphie cheers rushing over to me and hugging me tightly "your shaking what's wrong?"
Elphie takes a step back, I wipe my eyes with the back of my hand and Glinda gives me a sympathetic smile.
"I...I've found a spell" I mutter, I can almost see Elphabas heart sink.
"It's for Boc" I continue "a detransformation spell"
Glinda looks hopeful but Elphie can see the lost look on my face.
"What's the catch?" She asks suspiciously,
"Someone has to loose any current enchantments and future ones make them sick" I say coldly "and I want to make that choice"
Elphie starts to cry, Glinda slips forward and wraps a hand around her waist.
"Nessa you can't..." Elphie says between sobs,
"I have to, Elphie I have to make this right"
Elphie hurries her head into her hands, I turn away, I can't look at her.
Glindas eyes start to fill with tears as well.
"Please guys stop crying, I'm making this choice" I say sternly, but I don't really mean to sound horrible.
Elphie lifts her head up and wipes her eyes,
"Your right ness, it is your choice, let's go and tell Boc the good news."

We venture back into the lounge, Fiyero jumps at the sight of all there of us brimming with tears., Boc seems rather unfazed.
"Boc," I say calmly, he jumps to his feet "I've found a way to reverse the spell"
His eyes glimmer excitedly, I've never seen him so happy before.
"All you have to do is hold my hands and close your eyes" I say cheerfully, chokeing back my sorrow.
We stand in the middle of the room and hold hands, I've given Elphie the book and she reluctantly took it.
We close our eyes.
Elphie begins the chant, I feel like I'm flying, slowing I'm feeling less and less of the floor touching my feet, o feel Boc twitch but he doesn't let go.
After a few minutes Elphie finishes the chat, I feel a horrible burning sensation around my feet, then it disappears, I crumble down onto the floor letting go of Bocs firm grip.
I catch sight of him, it worked, he's human again.

My head hits the floor with a loud thud.
I reach my hand up to it.
I hear Boc cry out my name,
"Nessa, what's wrong? Can't you get up?" He calls out hurriedly.
Elphaba rushes over to me, her face covered with tears.
She kneels down and rests my head in her lap.
"Elphaba what's happening?" Boc splutters.
"The spell" I mutter "I had to give up my enchantment to get rid of yours"
I feel so tired, so sleepy.
"Elphie" I whisper,
Elphaba looks down at me, her eyes wide and loving
"I think I'm going to go to sleep."

I wake up, I'm on the sofa, Glinda is staring down at me her face is red and Tear stained.
The only other person I can see is Fiyero.
"Where's Elphie?" I croak, my throat dry and course.
"In the hallway with Boc" Glinda reply's sweetly.
I go to get up and see her, I can't move.
I need to remember that, I can't move.
Your different again Nessa.
But you did it for Boc, he's happy now.
I keep repeating that over and over in my head.
You can't move.
I could say it a thousand times but I'd still wish it wasn't true.
Fiyeros face comes into my view,
"Heya Nessie," he says goofily, he's the only one I've let call me Nessie in the past few years because I always found it too childish.
I want Elphaba to come back in, I miss her, I feel like a kid again and it scares me.
"Glinda" I whisper, she turns her head away from the hallway and stares down at me, her gaze soft and kind.
"I never wanted to be able to walk again" I mumble, Glinda looks puzzled "I only did it so that Elphie wouldn't have to look after me anymore"
I hear footsteps and a the front door closing.
Elphie comes into view and Fiyero ducks away.
"Thank you for casting the spell" I say graciously to Elphaba, she looks sad.
"Please don't thank me Ness, I wouldn't have done it if you didn't ask"
She's right, I've made her life harder again, I shouldn't be thanking her.
I should be apologising.

A few minutes pass, no one really knows what to say.
I wave Glinda closer to me and whisper for her to sit me upright.
I haven't had to ask anyone for that sort of thing in so long the words seem unfamiliar.
I have a clearer view of the room now, maybe it won't be so bad.
"Elphie, I think me and Glinda should go back a see Madame Morrible now that we have the book" I saw after a while of contemplation.
Elphaba looks concerned and almost angry.
"I don't know if that's a good idea"
Glinda wraps an arm around Elphie,
"I'll take good care of her I promise" Glinda says jokingly but it seems to calm Elphies nerves a bit.
"So then it's settled" I say triumphantly "in the morning me and Glinda will go and see Madame Morrible"
Glinda nods and tosses her wand from one hand to the other.
"Fiyero and I will wait and se did Boc returns" Elphie says, uneasily
"I'm sure he will" I say emptily.
I don't know if he will come back.
I have wherever he is he's happy.

I'm in my room downstairs, Elphaba carried me, I'm buried under my soft blanket.
The coldness of the pillow slowly fading.
It's been a long day, though hopefully things will start to get better soon.
I hope I get a chance make peace with the Munchkins whilst we are here.
Yet another thing that I'm guilty for.

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