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She came back, to munchkin land.
I've been worried sick, Fiyero said he'd noticed a change in me, that I kept to myself more.
I cried, lots.
Albert did to, Albert cried because he blamed himself, I cried because I missed my sister.
Glinda and Boc finally convinced her to spend a day here.
She's in the hallway with Glinda now, I've never been so happy to see her, though I've probably said that thousands of times, each time I meant it though.
Boc said Nessa's still not alright though I don't blame her, she didn't deserve to hear our mother say those things.

The lounge door opens slowly, Glindas heels can be heard tapping against the wooden floor, she's pushing a miserable looking Nessarose in front of her.
My hear is racing, as much as Nessa probably wants solitude right now, I know what that can do to a person, she needs to be with her family.
Glinda whispers somthing to her then leaves.
Nessa hesitantly pushes herself towards me, her eyes pointing down.
"Don't," Nessa says calmly "I'm only here because Glinda said it would make her feel better."
I nod,
"I missed you." I whisper.
"Please, don't" Nessa repeats, sounding more desperate.
She suddenly shakes her head, I hear her wimpier under her breath, her eyes begin to drip with sorrow.
"I can't do this." She says, her voice so full of emotion, "I'm sorry."
Nessa turns around and pushes herself a few feet away from me, I watch, not knowing what to do as she sits there shaking and crying.
There's nothing to say because she doesn't care what I think right now.

"Nessa?" Alberts voice booms from the doorway.
We both turn our heads and he marches over to be by her side.
"Is there anything I can do to help?" He asks politely, but I can see the concern growing on his face.
Nessa turns herself to face away from him, still crying she stares aimlessly at the wall.
I want to go up and talk to her but I know it will just make things worse, I hate making things worse.
Nessa abruptly turns herself back around, a fake smile on her face.
"I'm fine, there's nothing wrong..." she pauses, "with me."
I lean closer to the edge of the sofa as Glinda appears again in the doorway, she waves manically at everyone then comes and sits gracefully beside me, Albert does the same.

Soon we are all just watching Nessa in the middle of the room.
We all sit in silence for a while until Nessa coughs and looks around, seemingly for some water.
She spots some on a shelf and begins to push herself over to it, she reaches up for the glass but the shelf is too high up for her to reach.
"Ness..." I sigh,
"Shut up Elphaba," Nessa shouts suddenly, overcome with rage and sadness.
Glinda gasps and puts a hand on my leg, Albert gets ready to go up and help her.
"Nessa, do you need some..." Glinda mumbles frantically,
"No, I don't need help, there's nothing wrong with me" Nessa screeches, hurriedly trying to push herself out of the room "I'm not broken!"

I burst into tears.
Glinda holds me lovingly, I wrap my arms around her as tightly as I can.
"Elphie it's not your fault, there's no need to cry,"
I nod my head but continue crying anyway, I feel the sofa rock as Albert stands up.
"I'm going to check on your sister." He announces rushing out the door.
Glinda continues to hold me.
I hear sudden footsteps barge into the room,
"Elphaba!" Fiyeros voice exclaims.
I jump from Glindas arms and practically throw myself into Fiyeros embrace.
"Hey," he says laughing sweetly, "what's wrong? Where's Nessarose?"
I cling to him tighter,
"She's upset and I can't make it better!" I wail like an infant.
Fiyero holds me at arms length, a warm, Merry smile on him face.
"But that's not your fault," he declares spinning me around amusingly.
"What's gotten into you?" I ask dizzily, wiping my eyes.
My ears pick up Glinda giggling at me from the sofa, I blush mildly.
"Absolutely nothing!" Fiyero  cries "just the fact that I'm married to the most beautiful woman in Oz."

I'm laughing and smiling so much that I don't even notice Nessa behind me she sighs loudly and I usher for Fiyero to stop spinning me.
"Nessa," I say breathily, my heads still twirling though I've stopped.
Her eyes looks significantly less sad, more defeated now.
"Elphaba, I'm sorry." Nessa says calmly, taking in a deep breath of air, "I shouldn't have taken it out on you."
I smile meekly at my sister, she then turns and pushes herself over to Glinda by the sofa.
"I'm sorry too Glinda,"
"Oh Nessa, you don't have to apologise," Glinda says frantically, though her and Nessa hold hands for a few moments.
She seems happier.
I'm glad.
I'm just curious as to what Alberts said.
Suddenly Fiyero wraps his arms around me again, I don't attempt to escape like usual, I just stay and sway gently as if I'm being blown by a cool breeze.
"Elphaba," Nessa calls, I wriggle out of Fiyeros arms and join Glinda on the sofa.
"I need someone to go shopping for me," Nessa says sounding embarrassed, "I need some warmer clothes, I don't want to have to have a blanket over me in front of students."
Glinda nods eagerly.
"Please let me go!" She cries,
"Glinda your a public figure," Nessa gasps.
"A public figure who's renowned for her fashion sense!" Glinda cries triumphantly.
Nessa smiles softly, I feels nice to see her genuinely happy after what happened.
"Thanks Glinda," Nessa says politely, she begins to look less tense, her breathing slows and her hands aren't so tightly gripped around her arm rests.

Glinda mouths something unintelligible to Nessa, when suddenly I'm tapped on the shoulder by Fiyero, he points at the door where Albert stands beckoning me to come out into the hallway, I do so and close the door behind me.
"I have to tell you something," he says mysteriously. "Nessa wants to do the spell again."

Wonderful | wicked | book 2/3Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang