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"Who's gone?" I bark, I flicker my eyes between Glinda and Nessa.
Glinda sits bolt upright suddenly.
"Madame Morrible!" She cries "I went to her cell and no one knows where she's gone,"
Nessa screams, I grab her hastily from Fiyero, cradling her in my arms.
"What do we do?" Glinda says frantically.
I look around and gently push Nessas head into my chest so she can't see everyone's terrified expressions.

Fiyero doesn't seem fazed but I know he's just acting brave, Boc has is arm around Glindas shoulder, who looks like she's about to start sobbing again.
I'm sure Boc is enjoying holding Glinda, he seems to be smiling slightly.
"I have to go back," Nessa says suddenly.
"Your not going anywhere," I say frantically, holding Nessa tighter.
"I can't leave Dr Dillamond alone, I have the Halen, I can protect myself" she says boldly.
I just can't let her, I know she thinks she can but I know deep down that she won't be able to protect herself.
"You said it yourself, this isn't a weakness," Nessa says angrily, gesturing towards her limp legs.
She's right, those are my words and they weren't a lie.
I have to give in.
"Fine but I'm taking you back" I say reluctantly.

Nessa puts her hands against my shoulders and pushes herself up, I keep an arm wrapped around her shoulder so she doesn't fall over.
Glinda makes a move to stand up and Boc follows her up, his eyes tracing her every move.
Fiyero moves backwards and siesta in the sofa and I'm left on the floor with Nessa.
I look in the corner of the room, where I left her chair, I ponder about putting her in it.
I don't quite feel ready to let her go, I can feel her shaking.
"Want to sit down?" I whisper, Nessa shrugs.
I signal to Boc who obediently goes and fetches Nessas chair, all be it the wrong one, I side one hand under her knees and wrap the other around her shoulder.
I carry her into her governors chair and make sure she's sat in it properly.
I can tell that Nessa doesn't want to be seated in this one, it reminds her too much of the past.
But I know that this one is far comfier, so I don't need to worry about giving her a pillow to rest against.

Boc tugs at my arm and I follow him out into the hallway.
He looks distraught.
"Every okay?" I ask him, leaning back slide so I can see that Nessas alright.
"I know I brought the wrong chair," he says meekly, "but I also know that one has better support and is better quality,"
I nod, not really listening to what he's saying.
"It's better suited for a leader," I add.
Boc nods and leans towards the door, looking at Nessa, Glinda is crouched in front of her I can she that she looks concerned.
"Is she cold or just nervous?" Boc asks quietly.
I don't understand his question untill I look slightly closer and see just how violently Nessa is shaking.
"Boc, go and get a blanket," I call out frantically, dashing back into the lounge.

Fiyero has joined Glinda at Nessas feet, she's not looking at anyone, she doesn't even bat an eyelid when I join the crowd surrounding her.
I'm growing increasingly more concerned.
Boc rushes back in, a grey fleece blanket in his arms.
He holds it out to me but I don't take it, my eyes are fixated on my sister.
She looks so pale, she's stopping shaking.
Suddenly Nessas eyes close and she falls forward, out of her chair.
My first and only instinct tells me to hold my arms out, I do so immediately and she falls into them.
I hear Glinda gasp loudly.
Boc hands me the blanket and Fiyero helps me to wrap it around Nessa.
I hug her closely to my chest and lean back against the sofa.
My heart is beating so fast it feels like it could escape my chest.
"I need to get her back to Shiz," I say suddenly,
Fiyero lifts my chin, his expression is unreadable.
"You can't be serious, she needs to stay here" he splutters, utterly confused that I'm the one to suggest sending her somewhere else.
"I made a promise," I protest, even though I completely agree with Fiyero "I'm not going to go until she wakes up"
Glinda stretches her hand out and strokes the side of Nessas face.
"What do we do about Moira?" Glinda asks quietly, as if it was a secret.
"We keep on our guard, don't alert anyone else at this moment in time," I say triumphantly, I've got to keep this team together.

Suddenly my hand gets squeezed, I look down and see Nessas eyes begin to open slowly.
"Hey Ness," I whisper calmly, she smiles at me but looks confused, "your going to sleep here tonight then go to Shiz tomorrow morning,"
Nessa nods, though she looks sad about the regime change, but I know it's for the best.
"Are you alright if I pick you up?" I whisper, I know she finds it an awkward question.
I see Nessa nod so I swoop her up in my arms and march out into the hallway, I walk over to the spare room that Nessa had been staying in since we arrived and place her down on the bed.
"I'll see you in the morning," I say getting ready to leave, when all of a sudden I hear a whimpering sound coming from nessa.
I dart down to be at her side.
"Elphie" she whispers tearfully, "I'm scared, please don't leave"
Oh god, I didn't really think about it.
Madame Morrible murdered her, she must be terrified.
"Of course, I wasn't ever going to leave," I say stroking her forehead until she closes her eyes.
"And tomorrow, your going to meet you new assistant and everything will be perfect," I say calmly.
It feels like we're kids again, Nessa sleepily mumbling things to me that she's anxious about and me reassuring her that tomorrow will be great.
Accept we're not kids.
And tomorrow may not be great.

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