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I'm ready.
Nessas ready, the only person who protested is Boc who stormed out of the room and into the garden when I revealed what we were about to do.
Glinda tried to bring him back in but he was having none of it.
I don't care.
My family is more important.
Nessa is wearing one of mothers beautiful satin gowns, now more than ever, she looks just like her.
Fiyero hands me my spell book and Glinda nods at me.
They both step back as I focus on the black shoes that have adorned my sisters feet.
I focus and begin to recite the spell that I cast so long ago.
I've already warned Fiyero and Glinda that whatever Nessa says whilst the spell is being cast, they are not to listen.
I continue reading.
After I finish the first line I hear Nessas breathing quicken, I looks up, still able to see the words but I'm able to see the discomfort spread along her face.
At least I know the spell is working.
I keep reading.
Nessa cries out suddenly.
I've finished the spell.

I take a step back and miraculously Nessa takes one forward.
She lurches out of her chair and crumples to the ground.
I nod at Glinda and Fiyero, they both rush forward and lift Nessa to her feet.
She doesn't tell anyone not to help her this time.
Glinda holds Nesssas hands as they both make there way other to me.
Nessa feet occasionally won belong to the side.
"Oh Elphaba, thank you!" Nessa says joyously, throwing herself quite forcefully into my arms.
I catch her suddenly, even Nessa looks startled at the speed that she fell.
She pushes herself up off of me and walks over to the sofa and sits down, she breaths loudly for a few seconds until she leans over and lies down.
"Out of breath already" Fiyero says, chuckling to himself.
Nessa nods but remains silent.
I'm fairly tired too, but I keep it to myself.
Spell casting takes a lot out of me.
"Well this is wonderful, I'm absolutely thrilled for you Nessa" Glinda says sweetly.
Nessa still remains speechless.

I walk over to her just to make sure that everything's okay.
I crouch down beside her on her floor.
I reach my hand over to where hers is and hold it gently, she's shaking slightly.
"Nessa are you alright?" I ask cautiously,
Glinda and Fiyero gather around us anxiously.
Nessa sits up suddenly.
"I'm fine," she says abruptly "never been better"
Nessa stands up slowly and stumbles over towards the table, she places both hands onto it to steady herself.
"Don't strain yourself" Glinda says frantically, following Nessa closely behind.
Me and Fiyero both glance at each other, he looks concerned, as am I.
The last time I did this spell there weren't any side affects like this.
Perhaps this isn't a side affect, perhaps Nessas sick.
I hear Glinda squeak slightly and watch her following Nessa wander out into the hallway.
Fiyero and I both jump up and follow behind.

Nessa makes it just outside the doorway to the room that she slept in when I see her collapse onto the floor.
Glinda follows her to the ground, I push past and take Nessa from her.
Nessa lies in my arms, she looks really out of it.
Her eyes aren't quite looking at anything.
I bring a hand up to her forehead and suddenly pull it away.
She feels so hot.
There's commotion behind me and I look up.
Boc is standing behind us, peering down at Nessa and I.
"Everything alright?" He asks, not sounding as if he cares in the slightest.
"What does it look like?" I bark fiercely.
Glinda pulls Boc away and mutters something about it being, better to leave us to it.
Fiyero comes and kneels beside me.
"Nessa, can you hear me?" I ask, frantically.
Nessa blinks slowly.
"She's so warm, why is she so warm?" I shout, panic spewing out from my throat.
Fiyero gently lifts Nessa off of me and onto his lap.
"Elphaba you need to calm down, everything is going to be fine" he says wisely.
I nod vigorously, I lean up against the wall and take in just where we are.
Then my brain sets into action mode, the only thing I learnt in this stupid house, comes to mind.
How to take care of my sister.
"We need to put her to bed," I say, standing up and pushing open the door behind me.
Fiyero scoops Nessa up in his arms and carries her into the room.
He places her gently on the bed.
I study her face closely, her eyes are closed tightly as if she's in pain.
"Leave the blanket off, she's too hot for it." I command.
I see Glinda appear behind us in the hallway, her and Fiyero trade places.
He goes off into the lounge with Boc and Glinda comes in here with me.
There's a scuffling sound behind me, I turn to see Glinda pulling an arm chair that was resting in the corner of the room, over in front of the bed.
"Go on, sir down" she says tenderly.
I sit myself down on the seat and glance over at Nessa, Glinda places an hand on my Shoulder.
Nessas eyes flicker open, they scan the room until they fixate in my face.
Nessa cracks a tired looking smile.
"Elphie, I think I'm ill" she says sadly,
I nod my head slowly.
"Sorry," she says tears rolling down her cheeks "you weren't meant to have to take care of me"
I look at Glinda worriedly,
"What do you mean, I'll always take care of you" I say reassuringly.
"No no, you weren't supposed to, when I could walk, it was going to make everything easier for you and I've messed it all up"
I feel guilty too now, I've never felt like Nessa was a burden, they only reason I've ever thought something to that extent was because father made it a chore but he's not here anymore and all that matters is my sister.
"Well go to sleep Nessa and mabye you will feel better in the morning"
Nessa smiles wearily again.
"Okay Elphie, ill do that!" She sounds so cute and childish.
Reminds we of when we were kids.
Before all the trouble.
Before all the spells.

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