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"I'm so sorry," I splutter, my eyes sore from crying, I know that calling out for Elphaba was a stupid decision, she's on crutches for heavens sake.
But it's all I've ever done if I've had a nightmare.
"Elphaba, you deserve an explanation," I say sincerely, Elphaba comes closer to the side of the bed, shaking as she does so.
"I'm so sick of being your burden, I stole your childhood Elphie and I don't want to get used to people helping me with everything because that's not the way the world works." I say hastily, thinking If I get it out fast then I can be done with it.
"Your not a burden," Elphaba says shocked.
"Not just to you, to myself also, maybe I wouldn't think like this if Madame Morrible hadn't invoked the curse but she did and I'm not all together here," I say gesturing to my head.
"I hate having to wait for people before I can do things myself."
Elphaba sighs softly, she looks around the room and into the hallway, no ones there, at least from what I can see, which isn't a lot.

"Nessa," Elphaba mumbles after a while "I have I have a compromise" she says grubby substantially.
I smile meekly back at her and she open her mouth to speak but instead yawns loudly and leans her back against the side on the bed.
I'm on my back, as always, so I can't lean over and look her her properly.
"Elphaba if your tired you should go to bed," I say hastily, she puts a hand onto her forehead.
"I haven't seen you in two weeks," she whispers "I missed you."
I want to say 'I missed you too' but I know it's a stupid thing to say since it's my fault we haven't seen each other.

I open my eyes suddenly, realising that Elphaba is no longer in the room with me and that the room is significantly brighter than before.
I must have fallen asleep.
I'm unsure what time it is, though I don't suppose it matters, I don't get a lot of sleep ever, Harley rarely ever has to wake me up herself.
In a couple of days I'm going to head back to Shiz, Albert can either come back or stay here.
I know what me and Elphie said, I know she misses me but I can't derail her life again.
There's a light tapping at the door,
"Rise and shine." Glindas soft voice trills, she opens the door slowly and enters gracefully, she's wearing a beautiful light blue dress that sits just below her knees and a glimmering belt to match.
"Sleep well?"
I squint at the sudden stream of golden light that Glinda has just let into the room.
"Yes, thanks." I lie, Glinda skips over to the wardrobe in the corner and pulls out a black dress with long sleeves, it's similar to my black Governors dress accept this one had a white trim that follows the bottom of the skirt.
Glinda holds it out in front of her and shakes it, as if it's dancing.
"Shall we put this on?" She asks cheerfully, though I know I'm about to be humiliated.

Glinda places the dress on top of me on the bed and pushes my chair out into the centre of the room, facing away from the door, she then carries my gently into it, I slide my pyjama robe off and anxiously await for Glinda to put the dress over my head.
She does so and I struggle to push it all the way down but with me being difficult, I refuse the help she offers me.
Once the dress is on I turn myself around to face the mirror on the wall, my hairs a mess.
I turn myself back around and retrieve a small brush from the table, Glinda gently takes it from me and begins to brush my hair.
As much as I hate people doing things for me without asking, I love Glinda brushing my hair, she makes sure that it's knotless and pulls it swiftly back into a low bun.
I once again examine myself in the mirror then decide that I look presentable enough to leave the room.

Me and Glinda day out in the hallway together for a short while before we venture towards the lounge,
"I'm not even sure if Boc is awake yet," Glinda smiles to herself, "he rarely ever gets up early on a Sunday."
Glinda walks eagerly ahead of me and holds open the lounge door.
Elphaba and Albert are sat on the sofa, to no ones surprise they are looking at pictures.
"Morning Ness," Elphaba chimes, I push myself towards the sofa and glance at the photos.
Glinda goes back outside of the room, I'm unsure of where she's going.
"I can't believe you don't get tired of looking at these," I mumble, Elphaba chuckles to herself, I peer at the pictures closer, most of them are when we were very young.
Elphaba can't have been any older than ten in some of them, making me under the age of seven in all of them.
"How's your foot?" I ask curiously, Elphaba taps it humorously.
"Getting there," she says jokingly.
I sigh heavily but smile anyway.

Elphaba suddenly chuckles,
"There seems to be a theme with these pictures,"
"That so?" I ask, probably sounding unamused.
"Either I look happy and you look miserable or the other way round."
I laugh along emptily, I'm so tired of looking at pictures, especially around Albert.
"Ness look at this one," Elphaba says suddenly, thrusting a picture into my hands.
I stare at it, it's a picture of when I was around six, my father has me cat asked is his arms, I think it was the week that I started my first school, I only think this because there's a backpack on a table behind him, my school backpack.
"Frex looks so young there," Elphaba mumbles.
She won't even call him father anymore.

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