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Something feels wrong.
I can't explain it, I've felt 'off' since I got up this morning and I haven't felt right since.
Fiyero says that I'm just paranoid but I can't seem to shake the feeling that something isn't okay.
"Elphaba at least try to relax," Fiyero says sitting next to me.
Her stretches his arms around my shoulder and pulls me into his chest.
As comfy as it is, I can't relax.
I'm so on edge.
"Something is wrong," I whisper.
Fiyero scratches the side of his head.
"You've been saying that since this morning, I really can't help you" he says sympathetically.

I stand up dramatically, I'm still in my nightgown, I don't particularly like it but I didn't get dressed this morning, I just woke up and paced around nervously.
"I'm going to get dressed" I say hurriedly, rushing upstairs.
Fiyero and I have been sharing one of the larger bedrooms, it's two room down from Nessas old schoolwork room.
I walk over to our wardrobe and out my hands upon the handles.
There metal and freeze my fingertips but neverthelessi throw open the door and looks at my few clothes that I have.
I've never been fussed with clothing, I only wear around four different colours, Navy, Black, Grey and White.
Unlike Glinda who almost wears a different outfit for every day, she's practically gone through the entire colour spectrum by now.
Nessa wasn't really fussed with colours but she like her hair ribbons, if she was wearing any, to match.
As she got older, around thirteen, Nessa became more interested in the clothing magazines, since father would only buy her beautifully crafted expensive outfits.

My eyes scan the wardrobe, I pull out a long navy skirt and a white button up shirt.
A usual outfit of mine.
I get dressed carefully and just brush through my hair once but leave it down.
The very tips of my hair tickling the inside of my elbow as I brushed my hair.
I go back out into the hallway and contemplate my next move.
I haven't seen Boc or Glinda this morning.
Boc actually sleeps for quite a while, or at least that's what I think he's doing, he may just be having some alone time.
God knows where Glinda is, she could be anywhere, she's accepted by everyone and she knows it.
Though I know it can be difficult sometimes, she's told me that she just wants to be moody and cry sometimes but she can't in front of the Munchkins because of how they look up to her.
She was there lantern in the darkness.

After some heavy thought I decide to look around my childhood room.
I don't go in there a lot on my own, too many memories, I always find it hard to breathe in there, like the past is suffocating me.
Like it has its hands around my neck and I can't breathe.
I truly can't breathe, my head starts to go foggy and my vision begins to blur.
The room seems like it's spinning and I feel my legs give way.
I stumble backwards into a chest of draws.
My legs give way and I fall to the floor.
My head slams against the hard wood.
Then theirs darkness.

A familiar voice, screeches my name with such urgency that I open my eyes.
My surroundings are unfamiliar and unsettling.
A long grey, room stretches before my eyes.
The walls are tall and made of stone, this place seems important.
It doesn't take me long to realise that I'm still lying on the floor, the wrong looks as though it should be cold but luckily it's not.
in fact I probably wouldn't have realised that I was lying on anything if I hadn't had looked.
I get up and look around.
That same frantic cry, I whip my head around violently.
Then I see where the sound is coming from.
She's lying daintily on the floor on the other side of the room, I dash over to her.
But the room seems to stretch and grow.
The closer I walk to her, the further away she seems.
Nessa suddenly looks straight at me.
"Elphaba help me!" She screams.
I can't do anything, I can't get close to her.
My heart is pounding out of my chest.

I open my eyes suddenly, I'm back on the floor of my old room.
Nothing's changed.
"Elphaba?" Glindas voice says again, sounding more confused this time "are you alright?"
I look around, I feel so dazed.
Glinda scampers over and sits me up against the drawers that I must had fallen into.
She crouches next to me, she puts a dainty hand on my shoulder.
I think for a moment, how in the world do I explain what just happened.
"I had a bad dream," I say, Glinda doesn't look convinced.
"I hearer you fall over, Fiyero is ever so worried," Glinda mumbles, putting a hand to my forehead then placing one on her own.
She removes them both and lifts me to my feet, we both go and sit on my old bed.
I quickly think of a better excuse.
"I fell over and hit my head,"
Glinda seems to be okay with that story.
"I think you should get some sleep," she says leading me back into mine and Fiyeros room.

Upon scamming the room I notice that Glinda has added some extra pillows to the bed.
I reluctantly go under the covers and sink down into the mountain of pillows.
I always imagined having a plentiful amount of pillows would be unbelievably comfortable, I always thought that when I'd see nessas bed, though I now know otherwise.
I'm still quite shaken from whatever that experience was.
Glinda closes the curtains and leaves.
I close my eyes, but all I can see is Nessa lying on the floor and mouthing the words
help me.
I open my eyes suddenly, I can't shake the feeling that something is wrong.
But I can't let my paranoia get the better of me and go and ruin Nessas independence.
I do hope this is just paranoia.

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