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I bang as loudly as I can on Nessas door, screaming for her to just,
"Come out and talk to me!"
My knuckles ache but I'm not giving up, I left her before when she needed me and I'm not doing it again.
Albert comes rushing up behind me and grabs one of my arms before I get the chance to knock again.
He drags be backwards, I struggle to get out of his grip, stumbling backwards as I do.
I topple over onto the floor, Albert crouches in front of me.
"What are you doing?" I growl, my eyes piercing through Alberts sorry expression.
"Elphaba stop it," Albert cries, I whip my head to the side, and ferociously blink away my tears.
I don't want to cry,
I don't want to cry.
"Banging on that door isn't going to make her come out."
We both breath frantically and heavily for a few moments untill he finally lets got of my hand.
I lean up against Nessas office door and pull my knees tightly to my chest.
I hold my head within my hands trying to process what just happened.

Our mother, she was so scared, so hurt.
I know she didn't mean for the things she said to sound like that.
She didn't mean that nessa was 'wrong' she just meant that she.
That she...
That she,
Wasn't right.
I want to see her again, I want her to tell me that I've been a good sister to Nessa, that despite everything Nessarose has had a good life.
No, I don't want to hear my mother say that.
I want to hear Frexbar say it.
I was never loved my him, no matter how many times I sacrificed my life for his favourite child, I never got one word of thanks from him.
That's what made me resent Nessa, I somehow made the connection that she was the reason that Frex didn't love me.
Who could love me when I look like this?
Frex was so disturbed by my appearance that he put Nessas life at risk in hopes that she wouldn't turn out like me.

I want Fiyero, I want to be held by my husband, to be told that everything is okay and that I'm doing all I can for her and that it's not my fault she won't talk to me.
There's a soft thud against the door I'm leaning against, I lift my head, Albert is also leaning against it.
His face pointing towards the ceiling, there's tears in his eyes.
"Oh Melena," he whispers sorrowfully "I so sorry."
I reach my hand over to Albert, he takes it in his and holds it gently.
I rock myself slightly so I fall into his shoulder.
"Father..." I mumble so he doesn't hear.
It feels good to say it.
Tears spill faster down both of our cheeks.
Albert stretches his arm around me and holds me gently.

There's a scream.
A horrible scream.
Coming from Nessas room, it's filled with so much pain and sorrow, that the world seems to go silent afterwards in response, my ears turn on themselves.
I struggle to get out of Alberts grip, the compulsive need to tend to my sister.
I start to fight against his arms more brutally but he keeps a tight grasp on me, pulling me closely to his chest.
"Nessa!" I gasp through long drawn out breaths.
"Elphaba you can't go to her," Albert cries, struggling to keep me down.
Eventually I give up, if Nessa wanted me, she would talk.
I know that.
"I'm sorry Elphaba, I thought the spell would bring closure to your sister and you, I thought I was helping." Albert sobs.
I sob too, our cries chorus together in a sorrowful sympathy.
"Your sister bares such a striking likeness to Melena." Albert says suddenly sounding calmer.
"We're been telling her that for years." I splutter, laughing because I've just simply run out of sadness.
I look up at the clock that's oddly positioned behind Nessas desk.
Harley will be here soon, how do I explain this?
"Albert, Harleys going to be here soon." I mumble, he hugs me tighter, I can feel myself shaking.
There's a book in the next room that does magic and yet I feel so weak and helpless.
"Albert we do we do?"
He says nothing, the silence is uncomfortable, it rings in my ears.

"Were going to have to leave, she doesn't want us here, we can't pressure her."
I can't, we can't just leave.
"Albert, we can't just go!" I wail, he hold my hands tightly.
"Elphaba, send Glinda or anyone else, she doesn't want to talk to us."
"Elphaba!" He barks "leave your sister alone."
I stand up, horrified by his tone,
"Elphaba, I'm sorry I didn't mean..."
"Your just as bad as Frex," I shout, storming back into the lounge.
I throw myself down onto the sofa and plunge my face into the nearest cushion and let it muffle a scream.

After a while of sobbing into the pillow, I sit upright, staring down at the tear marks I'd made on the cushion.
Somehow seeing mother one last time has made me feel more distant from her.
Albert said it could only be done once, I had so much more to say.
Though I'm not really on speaking terms with Albert at the minute, I'm only going to talk with him when it's time to go, I'll send Glinda of Boc here to try and comfort Nessa.
In a way I'm happy to be going home, I get to see Fiyero, I've missed him so much.
I just want to see my husband.
My amazing husband that I truly don't deserve.
Today was supposed to go so differently, but it's happened and I don't know what to do.
I'm truly useless, I'm not even sure how Nessa shut the door, perhaps she used a spell from the Halen.
I don't even think the door was locked, I just didn't want to barge in uninvited.

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