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There's a loud noise from the office that startles me greatly, Harley is at her home currently, so I know it's not her.
I put back the student English exam that I was reading, a member of the English faculty said it was exceptionally good.
I begin to push myself towards the door.
There's another noise and I'm hesitant to go out on my own, I glance over, the Halen is on my bedside cabinet.
I don't need to bring it, It may just be Dr Dillamomd coming in and forgetting something.
Yes, that's all it is, this paranoia is getting the better of me, I'm just being silly.
I push myself through the door and make it down the hallways into the office.
There's a woman standing there, long draping red robes, tight curly grey hair.
Madame Morrible.

My heart sinks as she smiles eerily at me.
"Why Nessarose, I was waiting for you to drop by, take a seat behind the desk and we'll have a little chat," she snarls.
I'm hesitant to move at first, I nervously look Madame Morrible up and down, then examine if going behind the desk or going back and getting the Halen.
But I know that there's no chance of that happening.
I push myself over to the desk, Madame Morrible sits down in the chair in front of it.
She places her bony hands on the desk and clenches them together.
Seeing her unshackled sends shivers down my spine, I know what she can control with her hands, I know what she's capable of.

Madame Morrible clears her throat and I sit there dreading what awful things she  spew from her moth
"I have to admit," she says "I was hoping Dr Dillamomd would be here, after all he's the brat that they gave my job to,"
My mouth feels so dry, I long for a drink of water, Madame Morrible leans closer, her putrid breath singes my nose.
"But he's giving it to you," Moira lets out a loud and terrifying cackle "why do you look so scared? For once your actually more use alive"
I grip the arms rests of my chair and bit my tongue, trying desperately not to cry and show this woman any sense of fear, I think it may be a bit late for that.

Madame Morrible leans back in her chair,
"Maybe try to speak once in a while, it makes for better company," she mutters,
I look desperately around the room, for some sort of escape.
"What are you going to do with me?" I cry out suddenly, not bearing to be talked at by this wretch "no one trusts you anymore."
Madame Morrible reaches one of her skeletal hands over and taps me on the cheek, I cringe and shudder terribly.
"Your my bait and if all else fails and your sister doesn't show, you can still read the Halen."
I lean back out of fear for this woman.
She's so old and frail yet she encapsulates with so much fear.
"So your doing this all for revenge?" I shout,
"No you foolish girl," she howls "not revenge... power!"

Madame Morrible drums her fingers on the desk and looks unamused.
"What happened?" I ask, I'm completely prepared to test this woman's boundaries since I'm going anywhere anytime soon "why do you choose to be like this?"
A strange expression stretches across Madame Morribles face as she sits in deep contemplation for a few seconds.
"Originally it started as a want for power but now it's personal, now it's revenge that I'm after."
Her voice rattles through my head and sends shivers darting down my back like icicles.
"You ask a lot of questions," Madame Morrible states angrily.
She stands up and leans across the desk, thumping her hands upon it.
"Your scared aren't you?" She growls.
I feel my heart begin to pound like a drum.

Madame Morrible releases her hands from the table and marches off into mr bedroom.
Even though in terrified I follow her.
She eyes up the Halen and grins eerily but she doesn't pick it up.
She then walks over to my bed and picks up the box with all the pictures and my leg braces in, Harley put them back in the box when I wasn't in the room.
"Put that back!" I shout suddenly, realising that trying to tell her off is just going to make things worse I clasp my hands around my mouth.
Madame Morrible opens the box anyway and places it neatly into the bed, she begins to remove the contents, first picking up my leg braces and showing them to me.
"You were always a stubborn girl" she snarls, "never did what you were told, I suppose that's why you failed at being governess."
I fell my insides squirm at that comment.
Madame Morrible reaches back inside the box and pulls out some pictures.

"What do you have here?" She coos creepily, I push myself over to see what pictures she has out.
Theres one of my mother and Elphaba.
I feel so angry that she's touching it, pictures of my mother have always been so precious to me because I can't make any more.
"Mommy dearest," Madame Morrible mutters, placing the picture onto the bed and selecting another one.
"Frexpar did always have his favourites," she says holding up a picture of my and my father.
I feel taunted, I hate those pictures of my childhood but I can't bare to not be with them.
But they aren't for her to look at, I choose who sees them.
And seeing her make such careless comments she me with such rage.

Madame Morrible shifts through the pictures until she finds and appropriate one to taunt me with.
This one isn't one of Elphabas, it's one I took from out childhood room when we were searching for the Halen.
It's a picture I never wanted anyone to see.
The last time father took me to a doctors to see about my legs, I'm sat In my first ever wheelchair, I'm wearing a hospital gown, my legs are skinny and raw and there's so many bandages around them, that only small parts of skin peak out from them.
I remember that day, the doctor stuck pins into me to see if I could feel it.
It didn't hurt obviously but I could see myself bleeding and it upset me greatly.
I didn't talk to father for a few a
Days afterwards.
I can't bare too look.

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