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I've been terribly lazy these past couple of days, refusing to walk on my crutches because it hurts my arms.
I've taken for granted the fact that I could just 'get up and do it later' but if I every want to walk without hobbling around then I need to actually do it now.
That's why Fiyero has been impishly pestering me, like now for instance, where he's taken my glass of water out of my hands and walked to the other side of the room.
Forcing me to use my crutches and go to retrieve it.
I place them under my shoulders and begin to follow Fiyero to the other side of the room, I begin to laugh uncontrollably and start to loose my balance, I fall forward licking into Fiyeros arms.

We both roar with laughter,
"Honestly Elphaba, it's just pathetic at this point" Fiyero sighs grinning wildly.
"That's not way to talk to your wife!" Nessa chuckles, appearing in the doorway.
"Your back?" I exclaim excitedly, turning around abruptly and nearly toppling over again.
"Just for the rest of the week," Nessa says calmly, she sighs deeply and pushes herself over beside the empty sofa,
I crutch my way over to her, rather uneasily.
But never the less I make it there in one piece and plummet down on the sofa.
I sit with my back almost to Nessa, as shes at the edge of the sofa, I put my bandaged foot upon the sofa and lean back.
Fiyero folds his arms and shakes his head.
"You want to try!" I shout playfully at him,
Fiyero narrows his eyes,
"Alright then." He says sternly, "challenge excepted" he walks over and places my crutches under his arms and travels around the room with ease.

Nessa lets out quite a childish giggle.
"Whatever," I say grumpily, as Fiyero places the crutches back down next to me.
He then waves at Nessa and I, and goes out into the garden, I'm assuming he's gardening.
"What made you come back?" I ask Nessa, anxious of her response.
"The students come back in a few weeks and I wanted to see you before they do," she says suddenly, like she'd made it up as she went along.
"Where's Albert?" She quizzes.
"God knows," I chuckle "probably with Boc."
Nessa seems to sigh at his name, but I'm unsure why.
She looks around the room and pats both hands on her knees,
"I have a question for you." Nessa mumbles, "would you and Albert like to come to Shiz for the weekend."
I begin to nod excitedly,
"It would give us a chance to bond." She pauses "as a family."
A family, we haven't officially said that to each other in so long.
"Oh Nessa, do you really mean that?" I Gush, Nessa blushes, it's subtle but I notice it.
"I'm done fighting with Albert," Nessa says clearly "I don't want to be the one stopping you from having a father, I did it once and I'm not doing it again."

She's wrong though, father hated me because I was green, it had nothing to do with Nessa being perfect.
A strange sounds pricks my ears, I whip my head around, Nessa is crying slightly and trying to conceal it with her hand.
"Ness?" I ask slowly, attempting to prop myself up better against the back of the sofa, without disrupting my foot.
"Ness, what's wrong?"
Nessa looks at me, her lip quivers, she turns her head away from me hastily and continues to sniff away her tears.
"I miss him." She splutter suddenly "he was so awful, I can't believe I miss him"
Nessa places both her elbows onto her chairs armrest and lays her head into her hands.
"I can still hear his voice, every time I do something wrong, I hear his stupid voice." Nessa begins gaming aggression as she continues "telling me that it's okay and that I did great anyway, I'm so done with hearing his voice!" She cries, thumping the side of her chair with her fist.
She leans back and looks at the ceiling, I don't know what to say, this mood change had all happened so fast and I don't have tot strength to jump to her side like I usually would.

Nessa suddenly seems to shrink, her anger seems to fade and her posture weakens.
"I never wanted to be governor," she whimpers "it was all I was ever told I would be, I didn't let myself have any fun because I knew that wasn't how a good governor would act, all I wanted was to make him proud of me."
Nessas words drop out of her mouth like a leaky faucet, her eyes follow the outline of the room until she turns herself further towards me.
"After all of that and I still miss him." She says, smiling weakly.
I clear my throat to speak, but I hesitate, rolling my words around and around my mouth, making sure to not upset her.
"Nessa there's nothing wrong with missing your father," I say reassuringly "he loved you after all and he cares for you."
Nessa nods and blinks slowly, large tears are ushered out by her eyelashes.
"I miss my mother," Nessa mutters hastily, those words seem to slow down time "I miss my mother and I've never even met her."
I close my eyes too, I push myself upright and stretch out my hand, Nessa takes it In hers.
"I miss mom too," I say slowly, "but if I had to choose between the two of you, I'd pick you every time."
Nessa looks horrified at that statement, though true it may have been misjudged.
"Elphie that's your mother, you can't say that!"
"But it's true, the best part of my childhood was you, you have it purpose!"
Nessa looks off put, but she smiles to herself none the less.
"Isn't it perplexing how we always seem to bond over the worst things?"

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