mineta x exploding into a tiny thousand bits

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tw: mineta exists so sexual harrassment/assault

So, Mineta was being an ass again. As always.

This time, it was trying to look up Mina's skirt.

It started during the beginning of class. Everyone was gathering in the classroom, most of the girls talking with each other, Uraraka having a massive crush on Deku, the bakusquad doing some stupid shit. The usual.

Mineta was sitting in the back of the classroom. No one really talked to him. Especially the girls. They were all too gross out of the purple haired male. So he saught sexual satisfaction in his own, deviant ways.

Because of his shortness, he was able to easily go up behind a girl and take a little peek. That's why he was slowly walking through the aisles of brown school desks inscribed with initials x initials and dicks. Mineta slowly and stealthily walked up behind a certain pink skinned girl, who was talking to Kirishima, Bakugou, and Hagakure, mainly Hagakure.

Mineta stood behind her, incredibly close to her legs, and looked up her skirt. Now, if that's not enough sexual harassment for you, he slowly pulled out his phone as well, angling the camera so he could capture a clear picture of her-

He was suddenly pulled off the ground and slammed into a desk. Bakugou had gotten bored of the conversation and was about to walk away, but he saw Mineta trying to take a picture of up Mina's skirt. He was not pleased. Who would be? A known borderline sex offender trying to sexually harass one of his best friends.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?!" Bakugou yelled in Mineta's face. His hands were already sparking, everyone already having turned to look at the two.

Mineta was just sitting there, shaking and cowering. He was not expecting to face the consequences of his actions that day. Little did he know, he'd have much more dept to pay.

Bakugou continued yelling as loud as he could in his face, calling him names. No one dared to step in. No one really cared to step in. Deku called 'kacchan' a few times, but not even he did anything. Soon enough, Bakugou couldn't control his anger anymore.

He had his hands around Mineta's neck when his quirk went off.

With a loud boom echoing throughout the school, the blood of the small sex offender splattered the walls. It went out of the few open windows, and stained the other student's uniforms and skin.

No one screamed. No one protested.

Aizawa signed and picked up the phone. "Clean up in classroom 1-A, please." He said before hanging up and going back to sleep.

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