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this might be kinda spicy
who knows

there will be a sexual part, but it wont go past making out and getting partially naked

Sparky Sparky Boom Boom Boi's POV-

I wake up drenched in sweat. My bed and blanket are damp with sweat. I had a nightmare.


This sucks. Every night, for the past two weeks, I've been waking up in a cold sweat from a nightmare. I can't go back to sleep after I wake up. So, I haven't been getting much sleep.

I decide to get up and go to Kirishima's room. I want to be around somebody. I don't care if he wakes up, but then goes back to sleep. I don't care.

I open Kirishima's dorm door, it always being unlocked, and walk over to his bed. He isn't there. This confuses me. It's one in the morning. He should be here. I leave to go look for Kirishima.

I go into the common room, and he isn't there either. I scan the room. That's when I see the kitchen light is on. I go through the door, and am very confused.

I see Tokoyami first. He's in the corner, crying, while surrounded by eggs. Then, I see Kirishima, who's sitting on the counter and eating shredded cheese from the bag.

"Hey, don't worry, Tokoyami. Do you want me to help?" Kirishima says, words being slightly slurred. Tokoyami frantically tries to pick up the eggs. Kirishima hops off the counter, and joins Tokoyami in trying to pick up the eggs.

"Um, Kirishima, what's going on?" I say with hesitation.

"Oh! Bakugou! I'm just helping Tokoyami keep his eggs warm!" Kirishima smiles at me with his arms full of eggs.


"Well, duh, eggs need warmth so they can hatch."

"Kirishima, these eggs... they can't..." I sigh. "Let me show you." I grab one of the eggs and walk over to the kitchen sink. I feel Tokoyami's and Kirishima's eyes on me. I crack the egg into the sink and show them the broken shell.

They both start crying.

Tokoyami folds into the fetal position.

Kirishima holds all the eggs he can.

I face palm.

"Why are you guys up so early?"

"Kami invited us to a party..." Kirishima sniffles.

"Are you crying over an egg?"

"You killed it! How dare you, Bakugou!" Kirishima yells. I sigh, knowing he's not going to understand.

"Why are you two acting so weird?"

"Oh, well," Kirishima giggles. "the party had alcohol. So, we might both be a little drunk..."

Well, of course.

"You two should go to bed." I suggest.

"But, Tokoyami has to take care of his eggs!" Kirishima cries.

"Tokoyami can do that himself. They're his eggs, they're his responsiblity."

"I wanna help him, though!" Tears pour from Kirishima's eyes.

"It's fine, Kirishima. You can come back tomorrow morning and help me." Tokoyami tells him. I go to Kirishima and lightly tug at his arm, coaxing him to get up and come with me. He does, but whines while doing so.

"Bakugoooouuuuuu." Kirishima whines, once we're out of the kitchen.

"What?" I respond and turn around. Once I'm looking at him, Kirishima smashes his lips against mine. I push him away, despite every part of my body and mind telling me not to.

"Kirishima, you shouldn't."

"But, Katsukiiiiiiiiiiii." Kirishima leans in to kiss me again, but I move out of the way. Kirishima falls to the ground.

After a ton of whining, kissing, and convincing, I finally got Kirishima to his room. Once I got him in bed, I went to leave, but he grabbed my hand.

"Noooooooooo, Katsukiii, you can't leave meeeee."

"Well, Kirishima, what do you want me to do? I have to go to my bed."

"You can sleep with me~." Kirishima says as he pulls me onto his bed. Once I'm on the bed, Kirishima gets on top of me. He starts to lick and kiss my neck.

Damn, he's surprisingly good at this.

I let a small moan escape my mouth, and I feel Kirishima smirk into my neck. He gets off of me to take off his shorts and shirt. I get a good look at his body, and he's super hot. He's about to take off his boxers when I stop him.

"Kirishima, you're too drunk to actually consent to this. You probably won't remember this tomorrow. You have slurred speech, you can't walk straight, and you aren't coherent. I'd love to do this with you, but I'd rather you remember it." I plant a quick kiss to his lips. Kirishima gets off of me and lays next to me. I smile.

"I love you, Eijiro." I say as I cuddle up next to him. He smiles and kisses my cheek.

"I love you, too, Katsuki."

We fall asleep next to each other, basking in our warmth.


"Bakugou! Bakugou! Bakugou!" I hear Kirishima yelling my name. I open my eyes and look at him. "Okay. You're up. So. Why are we sleeping next to each other? Why are we both only in our boxers? What did we do? Did we do something? What did I do last night? Do-"

"Slow down." I cut him off and sit up in the bed. "That's a lot of questions."

"I have one more question." Kirishima takes a deep breath. "Do you really love me?" I blush.

"Let's go in the order you asked, okay? Last night, you wanted to have sex with me, I convinced you not to, then we fell asleep together. Hard to explain why we're just in boxers. We made out. You did a lot of weird things." I hesitate. "And, yes. I do love you."

"Great! I love you, too!" Kirishima hugs me and kisses my cheek.

I was about to say something when Tokoyami bursts through the door.


Kirishima looks at Tokoyami, confused. I start bursting out in laughter. I fall off the bed onto the floor.

"Did- Did any of them h-hatch?" It was hard to speak through laughter, and now I'm just laughing harder. Tokoyami looks at me weird.

Once I stop laughing, I explain.

"Last night, I found both of you in the kitchen. Tokoyami, you were crying because you couldn't hold all of the eggs to keep them warm. Kirishima, you stopped eating shredded cheese to help him hold all of his eggs. Kirishima told me you two were trying to warm them so they'd hatch. When I cracked one of the eggs to show that they wouldn't hatch, you both started crying a lot. I took Kirishima to his room, and I'm assuming you took the eggs to bed with you."

"Wow. Thanks, Bakugou." Tokoyami leaves.

"Was I really crying over a cracked egg?" Kirishima asks.

"Yes. Yes, you were."


all i got for this one
i like how this one turned out

but, imma go on a little speech about consent and drunk sex, because its really important

ive asked myself 'is drunk sex considered rape?' well, depends on how intoxicated the person is. sometimes, a person is too drunk to have a fully functioning brain, and cannot actually consent to sex. often, cases of rape while intoxicated is blamed on 'i didnt know how drunk the victim was.' a few ways to tell if a person is too drunk to consent to sex, is if they have slurred speech, they stumble, they arent coherent, and they are passing out. even if someone doesnt exhibit these, but they have been drinking, its just better to wait til they are sober. and, remember, it is never the victims fault.

alright, thanks for coming to my ted talk
keep the change you filthy animals 

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