Bakugou's Essentials to a Good Morning

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-What the fuck is this pain in my leg


-Wanting to kiss Kirishima

-Wanting to die

-Wanting to kill everyone you know before you die

-Crippling depression

-Wanting to love Kirishima

-Wanting to be loved

-Wanting to be feared

-Wanting people to be afraid of how much they love you

-Wanting to cuddle Kirishima

-Realize you don't have school

-Or realize you do

-More crying

-Wanting to nap right after you wake up

-Intense hatred for Deku

-Curse words

-Crying in the shower as the cold water hits your disgusting body

-A lot more crying because you realize Kirishima will never love you

-Intense hatred for everyone


-Chocolate milk

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