🎂🍦7 Words Are Enough🍦🎂

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also pt two to lonely wasteland bc i couldnt wait


I wake up, my head on Kirishima's shoulder. My body is resting on his. His arms are wrapped around me, holding me close to him. Jack is next to us, nestled into Kirishima's side.

This is how we've been sleeping the past few weeks. We found that this preserves warmth a lot better than other ways. During the cold winter months, warmth is what we're looking for. Kirishima doesn't like it, because Jack and I are practically using him, and he can't get up until we wake up.

Today is his lucky day, since I woke up before him.

I sit up, straddling Kirishima's waist, crushing his stomach on purpose. He hates when I do that, and I love making his existence miserable. I stretch my arms.

"Okay," Kirishima grumbles. "Get offa me."

"Nah, I'm pretty good." I say.

"Wasn't an option, but whatever." He sits up, sliding me down so I'm straddling his hips. He wraps his arms around my waist, hugging me. My arms make their way around his neck.

I never really realized just how touch starved I was until Kirishima touched me for the first time. We were out hunting, and he tripped. On instinct, he grabbed my hand. Me, not being prepared, fell down with him. So, I ended up being underneath him, his body directly on top of mine. I never realized how much I missed the feeling and sound of a heartbeat.

From then, I always found subtle ways to touch him. Whether it was holding his hand so I could guide him, or I used his arm as a pillow while he slept.

Then, he kinda found out what I was trying to do. He offered to switch our relationship to something more physical. What he said was to platonically hold hands, cuddle in bed, like that. His reasoning was that humans need physical contact to survive. I asked him how I survived 5 years without human contact.

"It's a different kind of survival. It's not for the survival of humans, it's for the survival of humanity. Frankly, the first few weeks I was here, you seemed scared of me. You lost a bit of your humanity because of how long you were alone. Your dog helped you keep it, though."

Those were his words. I don't know why, but they stuck with me.

After he said that, I put forth the idea to just skip all the platonic shit and be in a relationship. After all, if we need human contact to stay alive, wouldn't it just be better?

We've been in a relationship for 6 months now. We haven't gone anything past kissing and a few harmless make out sessions.

"Hey, Kirishima?" I whisper. Jack is still sleeping and I don't want to wake her up. It's still dark outside.


"If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do?"

"Depends." He chuckles. "Will you be mad at me if I tell you the truth?"

"Depends. But tell me anyway." I put my chin on the top of Kirishima's head and play with his hair.

"Well, if you want me to be completely truthful, I'd probably have sex with you."


"You wanted truth, you got truth!" He laughs, then looks up at me. "If I knew I was going to die tomorrow, I'd at least want that moment with you."

"What else would you do?"

"I dunno. Stupid shit, probably." He kisses my collarbone. "As long as I'd get to spend it with you, I'd be happy."

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