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the beginning totally isnt based off a conversation i had with my girlfriend-

Solid As A Rock's POV-

I was hanging out in Bakugou's dorm. We had finished studying a half hour ago, but I just wanted to spend time with him. Bakugou was on his bed, watching YouTube. I was doing the same, except sitting in his chair.

All of a sudden, Bakugou speaks up.

"I fucking hate green make-up with a fucking passion."

Where did this come from?

"Why? What's so bad about it?" I ask.

"It's fucking gross and ugly and no one can pull it off, I don't care who you are." I snicker slightly.

"What about neon green?"

"Neon green can go fuck itself."


"Mint is a cool color, but should not be available as a color for make-up."

"Where did this come from, anyway?"

"This bitch in a make-up tutorial thinks green is a good color for eyeshadow and fucking lipstick. Eyeshadow, maybe. Lipstick? No. Absolutely fucking not." I snicker again.

"You watch make-up tutorials?"

"So? Does it matter what I watch in my free time? No. What matters is how fucking stupid this bitch looks." Bakugou turns his phone so I can see this so-called 'bitch'. But, once I saw her, even I had to admit.

It did not look good.

"Holy... wow."

"I know, right?! Fuckin' terrible."

After a few minutes of silence, I decided to ask a question on my mind the entire conversation.

"Soo, why do you watch make-up tutorials?" I ask. Bakugou squints at me.

"Why do you ask so many questions?" I sigh.

"I was just curious." I mumble. "But, I understand if you don't wanna tell me."

"It's fine. I'm just kinda pissed 'cause this green goblin"

"Nah, man. It's none of my business, anyway."

All I hear is Bakugou sighing as he dropped his phone onto his bedsheets. He gets up, and I turn away, once again deciding it was none of my business.

After five minutes of shuffling and gathering, as I could hear from behind me, the sound of footsteps approaches me. All of a sudden, I'm turned around to where I'm facing Bakugou.

"Uh, Baku-" I start, but am cut off.

"This is why." Bakugou plops something in my lap, then goes to get his phone. I look down, and see, it's make-up. Bakugou has make-up? Why?

Bakugou returns with his phone, messing around on it. I soon hear music playing through the phone's speakers. He sets it down on his desk, and grabs the make-up stuff from my lap. When he does so, I can't help but widen my eyes and inhale sharply, as his hand brushes my thigh. The blush creeping up my neck is inevitable. Bakugou places the make-up on his desk as well, then places both his hands on either of the chair's arms, then pushes back. I feel pinned.

Bakugou grabs two things from the desk, and I finally realize what he's going to do.

"Wait, Baku, you know how to do make-up?" I ask, slightly shocked.

"Yeah, now shut up, I can't apply this shit with you moving your face."

And, just like that, Bakugou got to work.

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