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lets go biiiiiiiiiiiiiitch

Is he sedimentary, igneous, or metamorphic's POV-

"Listen up, class." Aizawa says as he enters the classroom, Bakugou trailing behind him. Everyone keeps talking, but Iida gets us to shut up. "Bakugou got hit by a quirk that makes him very affectionate to the people he loves. This includes family and love interests."

"So we get to find out who his crush is?!" Mina stands up and yells.

"Fuck off, Pinky!" Bakugou yells back.

"Please, listen." Aizawa clears his throat. "If Bakugou has a crush, he will be affectionate towards them to. If. I doubt he has a crush on any of you idiots." Aizawa mumbles the last part. "The reason I'm telling you all this is because he will most likely seem flustered during the day. His fighting skills may be inhibited. Now, let's start homeroom."


And Aizawa was right.

Bakugou seemed antsy through classes. His face was permanently red.

"You idiot. You scumbag. You absolute waste of human life." Mina tells Denki.

"Says the alien!" Denki yells.

"Guys, I don't think you need to get this heated over clothes." I say to Mina and Denki, who're arguing about something to do with clothes, as they always argue about something during lunch.

"Yes, we do! I need to but Denki in his place, the idiot!"

I roll my eyes and sigh. All of a sudden, I feel a hand on my thigh. I look over to Bakugou, who's picking at his food.

"Bakugou, are you alright?" I whisper to him. He slowly nods his head. I look over at the others at our table, and they're all preoccupied. "Do you... like me?"

"So what if I do." Bakugou mumbles. "I'm sorry about my hand. It's something I can't control. The shithead's quirk makes it so these are irresistable impulses. And it lasts for 24 hours, so that doesn't help."

"When did you get hit by the quirk?"

"I was going for a run this morning, and I ran into a guy at about six, and that was the shithead with this shitty quirk."

"Wait- so, why do you seem so antsy and flustered in class, but not right now?"

"I didn't tell Aizawa about this part of the quirk. The quirk makes me feel like I'm going to die if I'm not getting attention. It doesn't help that you're in my classes, and all I want to do to hold your hand, hop in your lap, and just fall asleep cuddling you." Bakugou pauses. "That sounded weird, didn't it? I'm sorry."

"No, no. Don't be. It's fine. So, because I'm giving you attention, you're fine?"

"To the best of my abilites, yes."

"What if it's someone else giving you attention?"

"It has to be someone I love."

"And, you love me?"

Bakugou freezes up.


"I love you, too!" I exclaim.

"Wait, are you two dating?!" Mina asks excitedly. I look to Bakugou, to see what he wants to say. He scoots closer to me, wraps his arms around my torso, and nuzzles into my chest. I start to pet his hair.

"Heh, I guess so." I say.


The bell rang, signifying that lunch was over. We all got up to go to class. I held Bakugou's hand the entire way there.

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