🍫Not Just You🍫

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this has a fluffy ending so don't get too mad at me

also, theres some kinda nsfw stuff

He needs to get some anger management god damn's POV-

I lie on the cold, wet asphalt, praying and wishing that this pain would just disappear. Evaporate like water. But I know better, it's not that simple.

My body trembles as I reach out to grab my shirt. It's completely torn. Tears fall freely over my face as I replay over and over what just happened.


"Hey! What the hell are you doing?! Get the fuck off of me!" I yell, trying to push the man away. He grabs the hair at the top of my head and pulls me forward, then slams the back of my head into the brick wall. I feel blood start to trickle down my neck.

"Shut up, someone might hear you." The man says through gritted teeth. He tears off my shirt, then discards it to the ground. The man takes out a pocket knife and drags it along my chest. Tears spring from eyes.

"So, you're gonna be quiet, and let it happen." The man whispers. I kick him in the groin and push him back. He looks back up at me with a disgusting smile and a sickening look in his eyes. Before I can run away, the man comes up to me, pins me against the wall, and presses the knife to my throat.

I freeze.

"You just made this worse. I was gonna be nice. But you're a little slut, who wants it rough, aren't you?" The man pulls down my pants and boxers. I let out a choked up sob. More pressure is put onto my neck. "I said be quiet."

The man pulls down his pants and boxers while I start to silently sob. He pushes in without any kind of warning, which makes me release a cry of pain. The man slaps me.


So, that brings me to here. I've been laying on the ground for a long time. I actually don't know how long, I know I've been here long enough for my phone to start blowing up. I assume it's probably past curfew. But I don't get up.

Instead, I slowly drift off, hoping this is all a dream. I don't care if all of this- the life I know, the people I care about- is all a dream.


I wake up. The sun is shining bright, and I hate that. I wish it was gloomy and rainy, like in cliché movies. I grab my shirt and wrap it around my chest as best I can, I don't want anyone to see the dried blood and cuts on my chest. I pick up my phone and look at the texts I got yesterday.

Mom: Where the fuck are you?!
Mom: The school called me saying you were out past curfew!
Mom: Now the school called me telling me that you aren't in class.
Mom: You better have a good fucking excuse, Katsuki.

Dumb Teacher: Bakugou, you are thirty minutes past curfew. Come back to the dorms immediately.
Dumb Teacher: If you are not back soon, we will be forced to cancel classes, and send a search party for you. Come back to the dorms at once.
Dumb Teacher: We have decided to resume classes despite your absence. We will cancel classes tomorrow if you are not back today.

The rest were texts from my classmates. Mainly asking where I was and if I was okay. Mina threatened to kill me if I was dead.

But, then, I saw Kirishima's texts.

Shitty Hair🦈❤: hey, bro, you alright?
Shitty Hair🦈❤: it's just that you never miss curfew
Shitty Hair🦈❤: youre usually asleep by now lol
Shitty Hair🦈❤: well, ill be here when you get back
Shitty Hair🦈❤: hope youre okay, best bro
Shitty Hair🦈❤: hey, since youre not back yet, i got permission to wait for you in the dorms
Shitty Hair🦈❤: ill be in the common area

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