🎂The Office🎂

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Explosive Pomperanian's POV-

I get up from my desk and walk over to reception.

"Yes, sir. I'll transfer you." Kirishima says, pressing a button, then putting down the phone.

"Hey, Kiri." I call. He looks up at me. "I have a prank we can play on Iida."

"Oh, tell me."

"We replace all the plants on his desk with plastic ones, and see how long it takes for him to notice."

"That is... lame, but it may work. Let's do it." Kiri smiles. I have to resist the urge to kiss him and tell him how beautiful his smile is.

Well, that's what tonight is for.

Everytime we play a prank on Iida (sometimes Kaminari), Kiri and I stay after work to make the prank work.

Tonight, there isn't actually a prank. I want to ask him out.

"Hey, everyone!" Mic comes out of his office. I put my head on the reception desk counter. "Oh, oh! Look! Bakugou's at Kirishima's desk again!" He runs up to us. Kiri picks up the phone, greeting the person on the other line. "This is the, what, seventh time today?"

"Sixth." Uraraka pipes up.

"Oh, shut up, Accounting." I say.

"I'm an Accountant. It's my job to count." She goes back to her desk.

"Um, Mic, there's a call for you." Kiri whispers.

"Tell 'em I'm not here." Mic responds.

"It's really important."

"Kirishima." Mic says. "I'm not here."

"Okay..." Kiri holds the phone to his ear. "I'm sorry, sir, but Hizashi Yamada is not here at the moment. Uh-huh. Thank you for understanding. Ba-Bye." He hangs up the phone.

"But, I have something important to tell you all!" Mic yells.

"Something more important than that phone call..." Kiri mutters.

"Yes, something more important than that." Mic clears his throat. I go sit down at my desk. "I'm now dating Shota Aizawa!"

"Is that why he just called?" Kiri asks.


"Yes, that's who called."

"Call him and tell him I just got here!" Mic runs into his office, shutting the door and closing the blinds. Kiri picks up the phone.

"Hizashi Yamada is now here, would you still like to talk to him? Okay, I'm transfering you now."


"Hey, Kiri, you ready?" I ask him once everyone has left.

"Yup. Did you call security and tell them we'd be staying late? Last time, you didn't, and we were locked in." Kiri looks up at me with his big, red eyes.

"Yes, I fucking called."

"Good." Kiri gets up from his chair and walks over my desk. He hops up on it, sitting on my desk. "What's the plan, man?"

"Uh, the plan." I walk over to him, standing in front of him. "The plan is-" I'm cut off by Kiri kissing me. I immediately pull him to the edge of the desk by his waist. One of my hands go to his hair.

"I... uh, I know there isn't a plan. I know you just wanted to ask me out. And, to that, I say, yes."

"And, to that, I say, thank fucking God." I sigh. "Your hair is so soft."

"I know. I've had a lot of people say that." Kiri wraps his arms around my neck, holding me close. I start to rock us side to side.

"You have a perfect smile, y'know that?"

"I knew you were thinking that this morning." Kiri whispers. "So, yeah, I do."

"Your voice is so damn nice to listen to. I'm not one for sweet things, but I'd love to overdose on your candy-sweet voice."

"Awe, that's so sweet!" Kiri kisses my cheek, then my lips. "I like the taste of your lips. Strawberry chapstick."

"You can taste that?"

"Yup. It tastes good." Kiri giggles. "Let's still go through with that prank."

"Let's do it."


"Is there something wrong with my plants?" Iida says, holding one of his plants at eye level. "They don't seem to be growing."

"Maybe they're dead?" I suggest. I look at Eiji, who's holding back giggles.

"No, then they'd be drooping and brown."

"Well, it only took you two years to notice." I say.

"What do you mean?" Iida asks.

"Two years ago, Kat and I replaced your plants with fake ones." Eiji explains. "You've been watering fake plants for two years."

"What about my real plants?!" Iida almost yells.

"Oh, I've been taking care of them. Two of them have died, but that's from natural causes."

"I want them all back." Iida says.

"Oh, can I keep one?" Eiji gets up from his desk and makes his way over to us. "I've grown attached. I didn't think you'd take that long to notice!"

"You can keep the smallest one. I want the rest." Iida glares at Eiji.

"Yay! The smallest one is my favorite!" Eiji throws both his arms up.

"Hey, uh, Eiji? I wanted to ask you something." I say.

"Okay." He sits on my desk. "What's your question?" I stand up.

"Well, I thought this was kind of the perfect day to do this, since this plant switching thing was what made us get into a relationship." I pull out the box from my pocket and get down on one knee. I can hear a lot of people gasp. "Will you spend the rest of your life with me?"

"Holy fuck, yes!" Eiji hops off my desk and hugs me. People clap for us.

"Are you serious?" Eiji asks me.

"Baby, why wouldn't I be?" I respond. He kisses me.

"But, seriously, you had to propose to me in this damn office?"



i had this idea a long time ago, i was just if-y about writing this, so tell me what you all thought of this uwu

this was also way shorter than all my other oneshots

ok, thank you all

keep the change

i just realized that iida as dwight and uraraka as angela works for all you uraraka and iida shippers. i promise you, that was unplanned

(just like pam's pregnancy)

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