Happy Love Story

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tw: mentions of suicide

Kiribabe's POV-

Today is the day.

Today, I'm going to confess to Bakugou. I'm going to tell him how I truly feel about him. After days and nights of contemplating and debating, I finally decided I was not going to hide in the shadow of cowardice. I finally decided I was going to man up, and fess up.

I walk into class this morning feeling more confident than I had ever been.

"Woah, Kiri, what's got you so happy?" Mina asks me.

"I'm gonna tell him. I'm gonna tell Bakugou how I feel." I grin. "I'm so excited and nervous. But, I'm not backing down now."

"Awe, good luck, Kiri! I know he feels the same way, you haven't seen the way he looks at you!" Denki says.

"Thanks, guys. It really means a lot!" I say.

Bakugou walks into class ten minutes before the bell. That's perfect.

"Hey, Bakubro! Can I talk to you?" I smile at him.

"Make it quick, Shitty Hair." Bakugou says in his usual gruff voice.

"Great!" I grab his arm and drag him out to the hall. Once we're completely alone, I scratch the back of my neck.

"I just wanted to tell you, and I hope you feel the same way, but it's fine if you don't." I sigh. "I like you. I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, even if it's just as friends. I love you."



"I can't. I'm flattered. But having a relationship with someone will drag me down." I don't know if I'm just imagining it, but there's an unusual malice in his voice. "A relationship will stop me from becoming number one."

"Oh, alright, I un-"

"And I deserve someone way better than you, anyways." Bakugou shoves past me.

My heart shatters.

Tears stream down my face.

I was prepared for rejection. But... not that bad of a rejection. I can understand the first part, he doesn't want to be held back. But, why'd he have to insult me like that?

I start to sob. I start to run to my dorm, leaving all my stuff in the classroom.

I get back to my dorm and slam the door as hard as I can. I look towards my punching bag. I start punching it as hard as possible, making my knuckles bleed. I have to fight my quirk, because I need to feel this pain. Nothing could hurt more than the words that fell from Bakugou's mouth.

And I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all.


I come to school the next day with bandages around my knuckles and a pissed expression. And that's what I am.


Pissed at Bakugou.

Pissed at myself.

Pissed at everyone.

Pissed at life for doing this to me.

"Uh, Kirishima-kun? What happened to your knuckles?" Deku asks me.

"Nothing, piss off, Deku." I respond, not making eye contact.

"Hey, I'm the only one who can tell Deku to piss off. What's your deal?" Bakugou asks.

I stare at him in disbelief.

"You know very fucking well what my 'deal' is." I say through gritted teeth.

"No, I d-"


Bakugou looks to the ground. He goes to his desk and sits down.

"K-" Deku starts.

"Go the fuck away." I grit.

"Kirishima, what has gotten into you?" Mina asks. I shoot Bakugou a glare. Mina follows my gaze. "I thought you said you'd be fine if you got rejected?" I feel tears sting my eyes.

"Go away." I say.

"Kirishima, you can not just push-"

"I said go away, dammit!" I yell. Everyone looks towards me. Mina leaves.


I lost all my friends that day. Mina, Sero, Denki... everyone. I wasn't complaining. I'm still not complaining. Later that day, I just dropped out of U.A., and I left without an ounce of regret. I still have no regret. I never needed that stupid hero school anyways.

Bakugou did become the number one hero. And that sucks. Everywhere I go, all I see is Bakugou, Bakugou, Bakugou. Bakugou's all little kids want to talk about. He's all people want to talk about.

I work at a grocery store, so I have the worst of it. And all my co-workers have an obbsession with Bakugou, too. It sucks.

Other than that, my life's relatively good. I have a small little apartment that's cheap on rent. I don't have any friends, which I now classify as good. My job pays well. I'm content.

One day, it was just like any other day, I was checking someone out at the cash register. I look up to see, none other than, Katsuki Bakugou.

I've held a grudge ever since that day.

"So, have you found that someone better than me that you deserve?" I ask. Bakugou looks up at me with shock crowding his eyes.

"Kirishima! It's been so long! Damn, how have you been?" He says, cheerfully.

"Answer my damn question, Bakugou." I glare at him.

"No. I haven't. But that's because I realized I could never do better than you. I was an idiot in high school, so blinded by my own ego, I didn't think about what I was saying. I'm-"

"I don't want to hear your shitty apologies. You lost your fucking chance." I grit. "But, to answer your question, I'm doing great. I am happily living on my own, knowing I don't have you in my life."

"Eijiro, I know-"

"You do not get to use my name like I'm your best friend. I'm not."

Bakugou looks down with shame in his eyes.

"Oh, my God, is that Ground Zero?!" I hear one of my co-workers squeal. I glare at Bakugou. "Kirishima, how are you not excited?!"

"Kirishima, please, just let-" Bakugou attempts to plead.

"No!" I say. "After what you said to me?! You think I want to reason with you? Bullshit! I poured my heart to you, and you stamp on it like it's some piece of trash! The worst part is, I still fucking love you. After all this shit, I still love you. Why? No idea! I hate your guts! If I was given a chance to kill you, I probably wouldn't hesitate." I sigh. "But I still fucking love you."


"Your total is $42.56. Give me the money and leave." I say, holding back tears. Bakugou hands me 45 dollars and leaves.


And that's it. There's no happy ending where Bakugou comes back to me, or I go back to him. No, this isn't some sweet, happy love story. This is real life.

And happy endings don't exist in real life.

So, I'll create my own ending.

I hold the gun to my head, finger on the trigger. Despite saying I'm happy with life, I'm not. I meant every word I've ever said to Bakugou. I wanted to spend my life with him.

A life without him, is a life not worth living.

Hopefully there won't be that much of a mess.



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