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part two to impulse


Katsuki wasn't kidding when he said he would take my life into his hands. I'm kind of glad I let him. All this attention after living an entire life of going unnoticed is amazing. And the best part is that it's not overwhelming attention. It's coming from one person, so it's not overwhelming me.

The only annoying part is that I have to text Katsuki before I go out anywhere. Basically it's just notifying him so he knows where I am. And he doesn't really tell me I can't go somewhere, unless it's almost midnight and I decide to take a walk. That's another good thing about Katsuki. He stops me from doing stupid shit like taking a walk at midnight.

I've only been with him for one of the two weeks I agreed to, and I already want to be in a full relationship with him, not just a teaser.

"Hey." Katsuki greets. I sharply inhale and look up, seeing it's Katsuki. I sigh in relief. "Don't worry, none of my friends will hurt you. They think you're doing my homework so they know not to mess with you."

I chuckle.

"You need to eat your food." He tells me. This is another thing about him. He. Is so. Strict.

When it comes to things like eating habits, texting him every half hour I'm not in school and I'm awake, exercise, and like that, he is so strict. But don't get me wrong. I like it. Katsuki and I talked about it, and I consent to all of it. I only think it's annoying because I'm still getting used to it.

"School food is so gross, though." I mumble.

"Speak clearly." Katsuki demands. I sigh and put down my fork.

"I don't like school food." I say more clearly. "Can I eat something later today? Something extra to make up for this?"

Katsuki leans back a bit, deciding.

"Yeah, I guess. But you have to tell me when and what you're eating."

"Thanks, Katsuki." I smile at him. He loves it when I smile.

"Whatever. Keep smiling that and you'll get anything you want."

"Anything... Hey, Katsuki, can I talk to you about something?" I ask, resting my chin in my hand.

"Of course. Tell me what's on your mind, Bunny."

"I... I know we've only had this... demo... relationship for a week, but... I-I like it, a-and..." I face plant onto the table.

"And you want to be in an actual relationship with me?" He finishes for me. I nod my head to the best of my abilities. "Okay. If you've found your reason to live, then I see no problem with being in a full relationship."

"Really?" My head flies up and I look at Katsuki with so much hope and faith a priest couldn't compare.

"All rules still apply, though."

"Thanks, Katsuki!" I smile widely. "I really wish I could hug you right now."

"Save it for after school. I'll go over to your house." He stands up and musses my hair.

"Okay..." I look away. "I love you, Katsuki." I whisper.

"I love you, too, Eijiro." He whispers back, making my heart flutter.


There's a knock at my front door. I immediately rush to get it.

When I open it, Katsuki is standing there.

"Hm. So you don't go out without my permission. Good boy." He pats my head. I step back to let him in. He walks in and I close the door.

"Wh-Why would I go out without your permission? Especially since I knew you were coming over?"

"No, I trust you. And if you were going to disobey me, you'd be smarter than that. It's just nice to know my pet does obey me."

He's called me his pet only once before, so the title makes me flustered.

"Hey, you're as red as your hair. Damn, Ei, did I fluster you that much?"

"A-Ah! Sorry!"

"Don't apologise. You're cute like that." Katsuki complements. "That's something we need to work on. You apologise too much. We can talk about when's the right time to apologise, and not just spouting 'sorry' every time something of minor inconvenience happens."

"So-" I cut myself off. Katsuki chuckles.

"You are too cute." He smiles. "Anyways, I'm still waiting for that hug."

I remember our conversation at lunch and immediately get excited again. The fact that I have someone to call me theirs makes me so happy. I jump into Katsuki's arms.

"You sure can jump like a bunny." Katsuki says as he wraps his arms around me. "You're excited."

"Yeah... I'm pretty happy, to say the least."

"Well, first of all, you gotta eat something to make up for lunch."

I groan. In return, I recieve a light hit to my back.

"Hey, don't do that." Katsuki scolds. "Second of all, I have a game tomorrow. You comin'?"

"Of course. Though, I don't know anything about basketball."

"That's fine. I just want to see you in the bleachers. And seeing you right after the game would make my night a lot better."

"But, aren't you worried people will see us together?"

"Not really. No one really will care." Katsuki shrugs. "Anyways, let's get you something to eat."


I hear footsteps. I look up and see Katsuki.

"Oh, hey, Katsuki!" I smile. The corner of his mouth raises slightly. I go up to him and hug him. Post-game Katsuki is always so docile and nice, even if he lost, which means I can get away with more stuff.

Katsuki and I have been together for a great two months. I've been less suicidal and depressed for a great two months. Katsuki forces me to eat, so I've gained some weight. Not enough to make me insecure, but just enough to where I'm healthy. And that's all he could ask for.

"Hey, there, sweetheart." He kisses me softly. "Have you had dinner yet?"

"Nope, not yet." I sway us from side to side.

"Let's go out and get something to eat, hm? Late night date?"

"I'd love to." I kiss his neck. He's been busy with practice lately, so I haven't been getting a lot of attention for the past two weeks.

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