🍫I Could Disappear Tonight🍫

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Mina, Kaminari, Sero, and I stand in the common room, arguing about one thing and another. We got onto the topic of Mina's recent break up. I said that it was good because the guy was an asshole and didn't really love her. She got angry about that, so did Kaminari and Sero.

So, now, we're arguing about who's right.

Suddenly, Kirishima walks in.

"Oh, he-" He starts.

"Kirishima!" Mina turns to him. "Do you think my ex-boyfriend was an asshole?" He sighs.

"Who said what?" He asks.

"Bakugou says that it's good I'm not with him anymore, because he was an asshole and he didn't really love me! Sure, it was a short relationship, but something was there!"

"You dated for 3 weeks! How would you know?" I yell. "Kirishima, c'mon. You're the only one who has enough common sense to deal with idiots besides me."

"Idiots?!" Mina yells. We start arguing again, trying to get Kirishima's opinion on all of this. Unfortunately, he's just standing there, providing no input to this what-so-ever.

"Enough!" Kirishima yells. We shut up and look at him. Tears roll down his face. "I'm sick and tired of this, of all of this! I'm tired of having to pull myself out of drama I was dragged into! I'm tired of dealing with idiotic problems with no one to help me deal with mine!"

He sniffles and tries to wipe away some tears.

"You 4 always have something going on. There's always something going on with one of you. But what about me? You guys come complaining and ranting to me when you don't even think that I'm stressed, I need someone to rant to. But, no. I have to deal with my problems myself. Which you wouldn't know because you come to me."

More tears wet his cheeks.

"You haven't even noticed anything. None of you have noticed that I've gotten thinner, that I've been smiling less, I'm sleep deprived, stressed, and I've almost given up entirely. You guys are too wrapped up in yourselves you can't even see that your friend is suffering! The only person who noticed my worsening state was Midoriya! Fuck, none of you even realized I've been spending less time with you!"

"Ki-" Mina tries to speak.

"No! For once in my goddamn life, let me speak! This is years of pent up anger and sadness! You will let me fucking speak." His voice quivers as his lips tremble. "I done dealing with your stupid problems. I'm done having no one to talk to. I'm done with trying to solve my own problems, but barely having enough time to do so because I have to worry about your break up instead."

He gestures to Mina.

"I'm done not being acknowledged. I'm done being ignored. I'm. Fucking. Done."

He turns around and starts walking back. Before he leaves, though, he turns to us.

"I swear, I could disappear tonight, and none of you would notice."

He leaves. Just like that, he's gone.

He is thinner. He does look tired. He has been hanging out with us less. Why didn't I realize any of this sooner?

I walk in the same direction as Kirishima. The sentence he left with sounding like a threat, and I don't want him leaving for good. Though, he's right, we probably wouldn't notice. But I need to at least apologize.

I get to his room and knock on his door. I get light sobs in response. I turn the knob to find it unlocked. I walk in.

"Hey, Kirishima?" I call out. He's shivering under his blanket.

"Go away. I don't wanna deal with your shitty drama." He says, sniffling after.

"No, no. I wanted to say sorry. I'm sorry I didn't see any of this earlier. You're right, we are caught up in ourselves. I'm sorry I didn't see any of your suffering." I crouch down beside his bed. "But, if you still want to talk, you can say whatever you want. I'll listen, I promise. You listened to me, it's only fair."

"I think Mina's ex is stupid. He was irrationally mean to her. I'm glad they broke up." He says. I smile slightly. "It's all dumb. Being the person everyone goes to for help is dumb. Yeah, it's flattering, but your problems are constantly ignored. It's stressful."

Tears slip from his eyes. I wipe them away.

"I just wish someone could stop me. I'm scared of my own self, because the only one hurting me is me. I fucking starve myself because it makes me feel in control of something. I haven't gotten a good night's sleep in forever. It's just been so horrible lately."

He sighs.

"I think that's as far as I'm willing to go for now. I'm not used to opening up to people."

"That's fine. You did good, you did very good." I say. I kiss his temple.

"Bakugou, please, let me down easy. But, I think I love you."

"I love you, too, Kiri." I kiss his head again. "You should try to go to sleep, okay?"

"Can you sleep with me?"

"Yes." I chuckle. "Of course."


this was a vent and im not okay🙃

also there wont be a part two to this, this is all you get

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