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once again, we at it with the ddlb shit
because i got some vaccines today
and my arms hurt like fucking shit
and im in pain in general

so here we fucking go

He got them sharp ass teeth's POV-

I'm just chilling in my room, no problem. I've been having a pretty good day today. I passed a math and English test, I got to hang out with my friends, I cooked dinner with Bakugou, and I watched a movie with the Baku-Squad. My day probably couldn't get better than this.

But I can't help but notice Bakugou's day has been the opposite from mine.

The entire day he seemed... fidgety. He was having these weird mood swings. Instead of always being mad, he was switching between happy, anger of a million volcanoes, and just quiet. I hugged him, and he not only let me hug him, but he started giggling. I had to take him to Recovery Girl, just to make sure he was alright. While watching the movie with the Baku-Squad, Bakugou had started to fall asleep on my shoulder. Once he realized what he was doing, he jolted up, and said, I kid you not, 'Sowwy'. His face immediately went red, then he got up and ran to his dorm. That whole thing I blamed on him being tired.

But it was still weird as fuck.

So, right now, it's almost nine. Bakugou should be asleep by now, hopefully. Tomorrow, I'll ask Bakugou what happened. For now, I just watch YouTube videos until I eventually get tired and go to bed.


I wake up, so happy that it's the weekend and I can sleep in. I get out of bed and stretch. I put on some sweatpants, then decide to go to the kitchen to see if I can help Bakugou with making breakfast.

That plan's put on hold once I hear a knock at my door.

I open it to see Bakugou. He's holding a small box.

"Hey, Bakugou! I was actually gonna go down and ask you if I could help make breakfast!" I look down at the box in his hands and point at it. "What's in there?" Bakugou sighs and pushes past me into my room. He sits on my bed.

"Okay, so, I'm sure you noticed that I was acting strange yesterday." He looks down at the floor.

"Yup. Was gonna ask you what was goin' on." I sit next to him. Bakugou tenses up slightly, then relaxes.

"I'm going to tell you this because I trust you not to tell anyone or make fun of me, I think you might be able to help me, and you might be able to convince my mind that I'm not weird and disgusting."

"Okay, first of all, no matter what it is, I'm sure it doesn't make you weird or disgusting. Second, I hope I can help. And, third, I promise I won't ever tell anyone."

"Thanks." Bakugou takes a deep breath. "You see, I have this... problem..."


"And I've been supressing it for a long time, so now it's finally caught up to me, and it's biting me in the ass."

I nod.

"I was hoping you might be able to help, so everything that happened yesterday won't happen again."

"So, what's the problem?"

"I'm..." Bakugou pauses. "I'm a little."

I think for a moment.

"A little what?" I ask. Bakugou sighs and pulls out his phone. He pulls up Urban Dictionary, and searches something. He hands me the phone.


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