🍦(bakukami) Fuck Away the Pain🍦

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i am a bakukami love child


I don't know what drove me to Bakugou's dorm room. One second, I was crying in my room and the next, I'm knocking at Bakugou's door, hoping he'll open up.

Maybe it's the fact that he's not going to judge me. He's going to treat me like everyone else after this still. He's going to tell me the hard truth and won't hesitate to do so. He'll hurt my feelings, but then tell me my boyfriend was a jerk.

Mina once went through a break up and was telling us about it when Bakugou spoke up, saying he was an asshole, but she got attached too quick. It gave her a quick reality check, but made her feel better.

"The fuck do you wa-" Bakugou opens the door with a scowl, then sees my swollen, puffy eyes and red, blotchy cheeks. I start sobbing, wailing, and collapse into his arms. "The hell...? What the fuck happened, dunce face?"

Surprisingly, the names and curse words don't upset me more. It's just what I need right now. I don't want sympathy or pity, I want to be treated the same.

"I-I w-w-w-walked i-i-i-in-" I stutter out half a sentence before a loud cry escapes my mouth. Bakugou picks me up and carries me to his bed. He puts my down.

"Denki, you need to calm down first." He says. I sniffle, then wrap my arms around his neck as I sob into his shirt. His arms linger in the air, unsure of where to go. He finally settles for wrapping his arms around me in a hug. I can tell it's awkward for him, but it's more than warm and welcoming for me.

"I walked in on my boyfriend ch-cheating on me." I cry as I cling to him. He rubs my back soothingly.

"That guy was an asshole anyway." He sighs and hugs me tighter.

After a few minutes of this, I finally calmed down and stopped crying. Bakugou grabbed a tissue from his nightstand and wiped away my tears. I sniffle and lay down, my head on his lap. Surprisingly, he doesn't kill me. Instead, he plays with my hair, making small braids, then undoing them just to make one again. His hands are warm, so the feeling is comforting.

"I just don't know," I start. "Was it my fault? Something I did? Was I not enough for him? Could I have done better for him?" A few tears cascade down my cheeks.

"Denki, it's not your fault at all. He's the asshole here. I didn't like the vibe he gave off." He snarls. I sniffle and chuckle.

"You're vibe is atrocious." My breath hitches. Bakugou's hand massages my waist gently.

"There we go. There's the Denki I hate." He says, making me laugh. "Your nose is turning red." He states.

"I've been crying for a few hours, of course it is." I sniffle again and bury my face in his thigh. His body is radiating warmth, I can't imagine what it must be like to cuddle him.

"You shouldn't have been. You shouldn't waste your time on someone like him. Trust me, it's not worth it." He sighs. "Why don't you go do something with Mina or Sero or Kiri? I'm sure they'd love to help you take your mind off this."

"But they don't even know. You're the first person to know. If I told them first, they'd be all like, 'Oh, I'm so sorry, what can we do to help, you poor baby,' and that shit." I wrap my arms around his thigh, holding it like a pillow. "I don't want pity and sympathy right now. And you're not one for either of those."

I look up at him and poke his cheek. "And I know you secretly care about us." I chuckle.

"I d-" He pauses. "Okay, so maybe I do. But I can't help it when I'm around you idiots all the damn time." He looks to the floor. "And you are the first people to give me an actual... chance... at whatever the fuck this is."

"I thought Kiri gave you the friendship talk."

"Oh. I wasn't paying attention."

I lightly elbow his side. "You are hopeless sometimes." I smile and chuckle. I sit up and grab one of his pillows, holding it to my chest. "Do you mind if I sleep with you tonight? I might just end up crying myself to sleep if not."

He rolls his eyes. "Are you a three year old who just had a nightmare?" He stands up and picks up his laptop, sitting back down on the bed. "Go get your stuff and think of a movie you want to watch."

I smile and jump up from the bed. "Thank you, Bakugou!"

I leave the room and happily skip over to mine, grabbing stuff I need. Which is just a few snacks, my phone, and my charger. I get changed into fuzzy pyjama pants and an oversized t-shirt. I walk back over to Bakugou's dorm room and he's on his bed in a grey shirt and boxers. I jump onto his bed.

"Holy shit, dunce face!" He yells.

"Ya miss me?" I giggle.

"No." He says and sticks one end of a charger in my mouth before I can say anything. "Pick a movie."

I pick The Princess and the Frog and sit back to watch it. Bakugou throws a blanket over the both of us and puts the laptop on my lap, which confused me until he wrapped his arms around my waist and cuddled into my side. My face explodes in a blush.

"H-Hey, don't go falling asleep now." I poke his cheek.

"I'm not going to." He says. I roll my eyes and put the charger back in my mouth.

"Tiana is so badass." I say when we're almost done with the movie. "And Lotty is actually really nice."

"Yeah, I guess she is. I mean, Lotty supports Tiana more than some of her friends." He points out, then sighs. "Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah. Thanks, Bakugou." I smile. The scene where Tiana and Naveen are getting married is on screen. I gulp as I decide to do something.

Right when Tiana and Naveen kiss, I lean down and kiss Bakugou. At first, he was stiff and unresponsive. Then, after a few seconds, he kissed back. His lips are surprisingly soft and I can only hope mine are the same.

We pull back slightly, just barely. Bakugou takes initiative and kisses me again, this time rougher and more lustful. He prods at my lips with his tongue, something I honestly didn't expect from him. I part my lips just enough for him to plunge his tongue in my mouth. I gasp quietly as he easily dominates the kiss.

"Fuck..." He whispers when he pulls back for air. He closes his laptop and puts it on his desk, throwing the blanket off of us and getting on top of me. He sits on his knees inbetween my legs. I lean back up to kiss him and he grinds against me, making me moan into his mouth.

"W-Wait, stop." I pull back. He stops and looks at me.

"If you don't want-"

"No, I want to." I cut him off. "I'm telling you to stop because of the static electricity. The fabric of my pants can easily generate static, and I'd rather not shock you."

He chuckles and smiles, a sight that has me gawking. He pulls off my pyjama pants and throws them to the floor. "Better?"

"Much." I smile and kiss him again. He continues to grind on me, my moans becoming louder. "Oh my god, all this is annoying, can we just skip ahead?"

"This ain't a movie, Pikachu." He says while taking off my shirt and boxers.

"Hey, you too." I whine as I pull at his shirt. He chuckles and leans down, kissing my neck. I whine more.

I take one of Bakugou's hands and wrap it around my neck, squeezing his hand. He chuckles and squeezes, making me moan loudly.

"Shit, Katsuki~." I moan.

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