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*gun gale online inspired*

Kiri's username: RedRiot
Baku's username: Ground-Zero (kiri calls him Z-san to shorten it and respect him, as he's a very experienced and good player)

Kiri my baby's POV-

"U-Uh, Z-san?" I call out to the guy next to me. He turns to me, his navy blue eyes piercing right through me. His shoulder length black hair is blowing slightly due to the wind in the desert.

As soon as I make eye contact with him, I look away.

"What?" He asks. I stay silent. "Come on, Riot, you can't call my name and then say nothing. Do you see an enemy?" He pulls out his gun and puts his finger on the trigger, looking for enemies.

"N-No! That's not it... I was just..." I pause. "Nothing. I was just thinking stupidly, and had a stupid idea. It's nothing."

"All the ideas you have are stupid, but you say them anyways. So, spill." He sits against a large rock. I go sit next to him.

"D-Do you maybe... wanna have an offline meeting?" I ask. "I-I mean! We've known each other for a couple years, so maybe we can meet in real life... we don't have to if you don't want to, though."

The guy looks down at me and ruffles my hair. I hate my randomized design. I'm short in height, and I have short, pink hair.

Basically, no matter how dark I try to make myself look, I still look non-threatening.

"Sure." He says.

"R-Really?! Are you serious, Z-san?!" I shouted.

"No, I only said 'sure' to mess with your- Yes, I'm serious!"

"Great!" I wrap my arms around his neck. "Where should we meet up?" He stands up. To prove to you how short I am, my legs dangle under me. My feet are about 2 feet above the ground. Well, I'm either short, or Z is just tall.

"You know that café near the pet store?" He asks.

"Yeah, I love that place!" I smile widely.

"How 'bout there?"

"That'd be good! When?"

"Tomorrow at 3, that good?"

"Yeah!" I smile even wider if possible. Z puts one of his arms under my knees and one on my back, holding me bridal style. He does this a lot, for some reason.

"Wanna go back to the saloon to get some drinks?" He asks.

"Sure, but... can you put me down first?" I ask.

"Absolutely not." He starts walking to the saloon, me still in his arms.


"Alright, I'mma knock off for the night. I'm gettin' pretty tired and hungry." I smile. "See you tomorrow, Z-san!"

"G'night, Riot." Z quickly logs off and so do I.

I take off my headset and place it next to me. I get off my bed and stretch while walking to my kitchen. Once I get there, I make myself a sandwich and head back to my room. I quickly eat it, then go to bed.


Today, I didn't log onto Gun Gale Online. I had to wake up super early for work today. But, at least I get off at 2:45.

I clock out and leave my job's building, starting to walk to that café Z had said to go to.

When I got there, it was pretty empty. There were only three people in the café.

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