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This is cliché. I hate this. I really don't want to do this.

But I'm tired of it all.

I'm sorry. I tried, I really did. But there were things you didn't know about. Therefore, you couldn't help me with those things. You tried your best, though. And I appreciate that. You did good, baby. You did good.

You helped me. You made me realize things. You made me see things in a different light. I never believed in soul mates, or fate, or true love. Until I met you. When I met you, I found that there are soul mates. Whether you were my soul mate or not, I stilled loved you to death.

Maybe literally.

You deserve better. You deserve someone better than me, someone less fucked up, someone who can help you along with you helping them. That's what a relationship is, right? Caring for each other to the ends of the Earth.

I'm gonna miss you. Hopefully, there is an afterlife, and I'll be able to replay our many, many memories.

I remember when you confessed. You told me, then ran away, afraid of what I might say. Then, I came up to you after school, slung my arm over your shoulder, then kissed your cheek. We acted like it was so casual, like we had been in a relationship for a while.

I remember our first kiss. It was one of those kissing in the rain clichés we always complained about. It was pouring down. We ran under a tree that gave little to no protection from the rain. We were drenched, but you pulled me into a hug. We stood together for a while, in silence, before I pulled back slightly and kissed you. Then you asked, "Gonna do it again, or am I gonna have to?"

I remember our first time having sex. It wasn't planned out. We were over at your house, your parents were out, and we started making out. It was innocent, until I slid my hand up your shirt. It was obvious we both wanted it, so we went with it. You were so careful with me, making sure I was safe and happy.

You always treated me like a porcelain doll, one wrong move and I'll shatter. I felt bad, because you weren't getting as much as you were giving.

I wasn't a porcelain doll.

I was a junkie. The only ways I could feel happiness was if I was high or with you. Most of the time it was both. I did all sorts of drugs.

I cut. Look at my body and you'll see lines upon lines of red on every surface I could cut, I could hide.

I hid stuff because I was afraid. I didn't want to put too much pressure on you. Now neither of us will have to worry about that.

Damn, why did I pick such a small paper? There's so much I want to tell you.

Have you ever wondered why most people write their suicide notes on paper? I think it's because it feels more important. What will happen in the future when there is no paper? I like to believe that future doesn't have suicide.

I can't decide whether I want you to miss me, or just completely forget about me the moment you're done reading this.

Well, I only have a bit more time left. I didn't think about writing a note until after I took the pills and slit my skin in every place I could.

I love you. You'll be fine. I believe in you. I'll always be watching over you.

I'll be waiting for you

That's where it ends.

I put the blood stained paper on the desk.

Why am I being so slow? Hurry up!

Everything hits me. I run to his bathroom, the only other place he may be.

I throw open the door to see a lifeless, blood covered body. The floor looks like the floor of a slaughterhouse.

I kneel next to the pale body. He's been dead for at least 10 hours. I don't care about getting blood on my knees. He's more important.

"Baby..." I choke out, tears flowing down my cheeks. He's dead. There's no way anyone can revive him. "Kirishima... You can't do this to me, you can't, you can't, not after all we've been through." I weep.

I pull out my phone and call an ambulance.


I hold his hand. Doctors weren't able to revive him. He's dead. He's dead. He's really dead.

I kiss his knuckles and wrists, thinking it might comfort me. It doesn't.

How could he just do something like this? How could he leave me like this?

"Why, Baby? Why'd you decide to do it? At least wake up to answer that one question. Just one... Please, Babydoll. I need to know if it was my fault. Was I not enough? Was it something I did?" I talk to myself.

"Would you be mad if I joined you? If your wait was over?"


i needed to vent.

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