🎂🍦Love you the Way you are🍦🎂

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hope yall like this thing cuz i worked hard on it

also, i was thinking i needed to do more smut, so here we fuckin are

Bakubottom's POV-

Shitty Hair had invited me to spend the night at his dorm, because he wants to show me a new game he got recently.

There are... multiple problems with that.

First, he's my crush. Sleeping in the same room is going to drive me insane.

Second, my binders. How the fuck am I gonna deal with my binders?! I can't keep it on all night, but, if I don't, he's most likely going to see my chest.

And I can't tell him. I know he'll accept me, but he probably won't ever want to be my boyfriend if he knows.

"Yo! Bakubro! You ready to play this shit?" Kirishima yells through my door.

"Uhh, yeah! Just gimme a sec." I yell back. I stuff a shirt in my bag, along with my only other binder. I pick it up and go over to my door. I swing it open, and see Kirishima, all hyped up.

"Alright! C'mon, bro! We gotta get our game on!" He yells as he grabs my wrist and drags me to his room, which is right next to mine.

We get into his room and I throw my shit next to his bed. He grabs the controllers to his console and hands me one. He inserts the disk into his console.

"I've heard this game is really fun. By the ways, I have snacks and drinks, so if you get hungry or thirsty, let me know, I'll get you some chips and soda."

I nod. Kirishima sits next to me and starts up the game.

After about an hour of playing, we decided to take a snack break. Kirishima hands me some chips and Mountain Dew (sorry, im just really convinced baku likes mountain dew).

"Thanks." I say.

"Oh, it's no problem!" Kirishima smiles, then takes a sip of his drink. I hold up my drink to take a sip, but it slips, spilling on me and Kirishima's bed.

"Ah, shit, fuck. I'm sorry, man." I say. He looks over to me and notices the near empty soda bottle, and how wet me and his bedsheets are ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).  

"Shit, man, it's fine! It was accident!" Kirishima chuckles nervously. "How about you get changed, while I strip (you) my bed, and put my bedsheets in the washer and dryer?"

"Sounds like a plan." I get up and grab my bag, going to leave the room.

"Oi, why are you leaving? You can change here." Kirishima says.

"Well, there's this thing, and I really don't want you to see it."

"Hey, we're both bros here, I won't judge. Plus, do you think I'd be lookin' at you while you changed? That's just creepy." He laughs. I take a deep breath.

"Is it fine if I just change into my sleep clothes?"

"'Course, bro!"

"And, I know you'll see, and I don't want you to think anything different of me, when you see."

"I won't judge. Promise."

I sigh, then go to the corner. I take out my sleep clothes and start changing into them. I cringe when I have to take off my binder. I hear a door shut. Kirishima left to put his sheets in the washer. I put on my shirt, then go sit down on Kirishima's bed.

A few minutes go by, and Kirishima finally comes back.

"Alright, so, we can play the game until the sheets are washed and dryed, which will take about an hour to an hour and a half. You good with that, Bakugou?" Kirishima just strolls into the room, sitting next to me and not saying anything about my chest.

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