🍦My Kiri🍦

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okay so youtube is being an absolute bitch right now and wont let me put the video i want, so im just gonna

the video is Got Me Lookin' Crasy (yes with an s) by mikacchan cosplay, you should check it out before reading this, because this entire oneshot is literally based off of that video, also the video is just awesome


My hands tug at restraints keeping them above my head. I try to cuss out the empty room, only to be met with muffled noises due to the gag around my mouth.

I try and try to tug out of the restraints, get the damn strip of fabric off my mouth, but nothing. Absolutely nothing.

I don't know how I got here, all I know is that I caught a glimpse of red hair earlier, and I only know one shitty hair.

Kirishima went missing awhile back and I was devastated. My boyfriend just disappearing with literally no trace broke my heart. Mina had to actually drag me across the floor, out of my dorm room because I was so upset.

And apparently, as I saw, he joined the League of Villains. And I don't know if I'm happy to see him or upset to see him here.

Kiri enters the room I'm in. He has ripped, black jeans on, as well as a red dress shirt with a black vest. He looks hot as hell, not gonna lie, but I'm still upset with him for leaving me.

"Hey, baby," He walks past me, slowly trailing his fingers across my jaw, and I yank my head away from his touch. "Oh, feisty, as always." He smiles.

Kirishima stands there, just examining me. I glare at him. He gently grabs my chin, holding my face up to look at him. I let him. He pulls his hand away, before reeling his other hand back and punching me, straight across the mouth. The fabric falls from my mouth as I whimper. Not because it hurts (though it stings like a bitch), but because this isn't my Kiri. My Kiri thinks hard and long before doing anything to me, and would never hurt me-- at least, out of training.

He kneels down in front of me. Tears well up in my eyes as I look in his eyes, but don't see my Kiri. I want my Kiri.

"Oh, Katsuki, don't cry. We're gonna have so much fun together, don't you think?" He smiles. I close my eyes and look away. I soon feel a sharp sting across my cheek. He slapped me. "Don't turn away from me."

I whimper again, but open my eyes and look up at him. He smiles and cups my jaw, then takes his hands away. He grabs something from a table close to him and puts it around my neck. A collar.

"There. So you can remember who you belong to, puppy." He smiles. "Not like you would forget now, would you?"

I shake my head. I don't want to respond, but I know that if I don't, he's gonna hit me or something again.

"I knew you wouldn't. You're such a good boy." He cups my jaw, making look at him. I look into his eyes and tears well in mine. I can see pieces of my Kiri in those cherry red eyes, those eyes that lulled me to sleep every night I had a nightmare. Those eyes that would sparkle when he smiled. Those eyes that hold a person just as sweet as the colour of them.

But this isn't my Kiri. I miss him.

He takes his hands off my jaw and unties the rope around my wrists. I drop to the floor, on my knees. Kiri kneels in front of me. I slowly look up to see those eyes. I cup his cheek.

"What..." A few tears slide down my flushed cheeks. "Kiri..."

He smiles. That's a piece of him. For a second, I see my Kiri. The one who wanted to be a hero. The one who didn't ever plan on dropping out of U.A. and joining the League. The one who wanted to make sure I felt loved and appreciated.

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