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The Light of my Life's POV-
*Kiri's a pure, innocent baby boy in this, btw.*

I't's been a few months since I started U.A. High. It's been awesome! I've made friends with everyone in my class! Even the volatile Explodo Murder Boi. Things are way better than middle school.

Right now, the Bakusquad is chilling in the common room. Denki and I are arguing over if his secret identity is Pikachu, which it obviously is.

"Hey! Guys!" Mina pipes up. "We should play a game!" She suggests. We all look at each other nervously. "What game?" I ask, hesitantly.

"A classic game of Truth or Dare!"

Now, everyone's anxious. And we're all thinking the same thing.

Truth or Dare is usually fine. We'd be fine playing it. But, with Mina? Now, that's a regret if I've ever seen one.

I look around at everyone who looks like they just want leave. I bite my lip, knowing this was a bad idea.

"You know what? I'll play."

Everyone looks at me with sympathy in their eyes.

"What?" I ask everyone.

"You just dug your own grave..." Sero says.

"Maybe. But that's only because I'm not afraid, and super manly."

I don't know what happened, but something snapped inside Bakugou.

"I'll play, too."

I smile, knowing this will be a much more interesting game with Bakugou joining in. Soon enough, everyone was down for playing.

After a few rounds, we all had loosened up. We were all laughing at the truths and dares we had thought up. And, damn, were these people creative. I'm kinda glad no one's asked me the question everyone has been silently dreading.

"Alright," Mina says after she's done with her most recent laughing fit. "Kiri! Your turn! Truth or dare?"

Guess I thought too soon.

"Uhhhh, truth." I say.

"Ugh, booooorrrrriiiiiing." Mina whines. "Mmmmmmm... Okay! Got it!" She almost yelled after thinking for a bit.

"Okay, Kiri, would you rather be top or bottom?"

Everyone turns to me to hear my answer. But, I just put on a confused look, and cock my head to the side.

"I don't... understand?" I say. I see everyone's eyes widen. Mina gasps and covers her mouth.

"I knew you were kind of innocent, but not that innocent!" She says, still very surprised.

Bakugou all of a sudden covers my ears, and starts talking with the others. I can't make out what they're saying, it's all too muffled. I try to pry Bakugou's hands away from my ears. But, it seems like he's strong even when he's not even trying.

God, so manly.

I stop struggling so I can think more clearly. I seem to space out everytime I think about Bakugou. I know I like him. I just... fell really hard. Harder than me when I activate my quirk.

Why is he so perfect? Why do I love him so much?

And, god damnit, why am I so gay?

I feel something hit my shoulder. Not hard enough to hurt me, but enough to bring me from my own thoughts.

I looked at Bakugou, realizing he hit me in my shoulder. "You were spacing out, you okay?" He asks me. He seems worried. Truly worried. My heart flutters.

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