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"Daddy?" Raiden calls from my doorway. There's a reason I leave my door open.

"Yes? What do you need, sweetie?"

"I had a bad dream." He says. I can hear the tears in his voice.

"Oh, then come here. You can sleep with me." I beckon my son to my bed. He comes over and hops in. He cuddles up next to me as I hold him to my chest.

"I lied. I didn't have a bad dream. I heard you crying again." Raiden looks up at me. "Are you missing Papa again?"

"Oh, I'm always missing Papa." I chuckle. Katsuki has been off on a trip to America for 3 and a half years. I never talk to him because of different time zones and I haven't seen him for those 3 and a half years.

When Raiden was 7 months old, Katsuki and I adopted him. A week after that, Katsuki was suddenly assigned to work in America. Raiden's 4 years old now, and barely knows his other father. He knows me, and that's it.

"When's he coming home?" Raiden asks.

"I don't know, baby. I really don't know. I wish I did." I frown. Raiden kisses my forehead.

"Do you feel better?" He asks.

"Yes, sweetie. Kisses always make hurties feel better. As long as they come from someone special. If it came from a stranger, it wouldn't work."

"Yay! I special to Daddy!"

"Yes, of course you are." I laugh and kiss his forehead.

"Is grandpa Shota picking me up tomorrow?"

"Yup. You excited to see Luki?"

Since I have literally no one to rely on (my parents are alcoholics, Katsuki's parents moved away with him, all of my friends moved or got assigned elsewhere), Shota and Hizashi are the ones who I rely on. They are Raiden's grandparents. They've become my parents. In short, I love them so much.

Luki is one of Shota's cats.

"Yeah! Luki's my favourite!" Raiden giggles.

"Are you excited to see grandpa Hizashi?"

"Yeah! You wanna see grandpa Shota and Hizashi, too, right?"

"Of course! I'm always excited to see them!"

We talk for a little bit about Raiden's school and his friends.

"Alright, little one," I chuckle. "It's time for bed."

"Okay." Raiden cuddles up and falls asleep. I do, too.


I walk into my home, hearing Raiden, Hizashi, and Shota.

"I'm home!" I call. Raiden comes running to me.

"Daddy! I made you a picture! Grandpa Hizashi already put it on the fridge!"

"Really? Let's go check it out!" I pick up my son (LoOk aT My SoN). "Hizashi! Shota! Come on!"

We all gather in the kitchen. Hizashi has a smile on his face, while Shota is Shota. I look at the drawing. There's Raiden standing on a green hill, me on his left side, and an orange figure on his right.

"Who's the orange person?" I ask.

"Papa. I don't know what he looks like, but I remember you saying his favourite colour is orange." Raiden explains.

After the first few months of Katsuki being gone, I took down all photos of us. I knew he'd be gone for a long time, and I just couldn't handle that.

kiribaku oneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora