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"Can you repeat that again, Belfast?", asked Kay. "I'm not hearing that clearly."

"As you wish, master", responded Belfast. "We want master to join us, a mock battle between us, Royal Navy, and master."

"Can I ask why?", asked Kay. "There is no point for you to fight me, even though it just a mock battle."

"Commander is kinda hard to approach", said Wales. "And looking at your 'personality'. Belfast thought, mock battles against you are the best way to increase our relationship."

"We just play a game called 'Among Royal Navy' for the past week", said Kay. "I think that's more than enough."

Belfast proposed the idea to the other Royal Navy about having mock battles with Kay. Since their commander is pretty strong, they thought it will became a good practice while increasing their relationship with commander.

Killing two birds in one stone. It's pretty good idea from Belfast, not gonna lie. However, Kay seems uninterested and looks liked to reject the idea.

"I'm given you one week rest in order for us to prepare", said Kay. "And, it's not liked you will gain anything when fighting against me."

"Every Royal Navy agreed with this idea", said Wales. "I also already got the permission from Queen Elizabeth."

"Wait the...Do you not listened what I just told you?", asked Kay.

"Make sure you come tomorrow at the usual spot, commander", said Wales. "We will waiting for you."

"Wait...listen to....what do you mean 'tomorrow'? Why you arrange that without telling me, Wales?", asked Kay.

"All the girls are very happy to fight against you, master", said Belfast. "So, please come early."

"Wait...wait...please calm down", said Kay. "I never agree to..."

Wales and Belfast left the room quite happily, leaving Kay in surprised and confused. He tried to reject their plan, only to be ignored.

"Well, I don't think I can run away from this problem", said Kay while relieves a deep sighed. "I guess, a change of pace is very good for me."

"They seems pretty happy about that, shikikan", said Shoukaku. She watches them, deliberately forcing Kay to participate the mock battles. "I don't think it's a big problem for you, shikikan. You're the strongest human as I ever see."

"That's the problem here, Shoukaku", said Kay.

"What do you mean by that, shikikan?", asked Shoukaku, failed to understand the meaning of his words.

"People tends to forget, that I still a human", said Kay. "No matter how strong I am, you will see the differences between me and you girls."

"Well, it just a mock battles. I guess nothing will gone wrong."

Suddenly, Shoukaku gets up and went straight to Kay. Then, she happily holding his hands and asking something to him.

"Can Ayanami, Zuikaku and I join the mock battles, shikikan?", asked Shoukaku happily. "I'm pretty sure we can also increase our bonds together."

"Yeah...why not", answered Kay. "Make sure you told...Wales...before."

Upon hearing the answer, Shoukaku immediately left the room, leaving Kay with utter confusing.

"I don't like where is this going", said Kay. "Hopefully, nothing will gone wrong."


A day later, in the morning. Most of the Royal Navy shipgirls already gathered at the specific location. They are now ready for the mock battles.

"Well, I knew that you girls will have a mock battle against me", said Kay. "But, I don't expect this many!"

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