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"There is no reason for you to do this, Kay", said Wiseman that suddenly came out of out nowhere. "You always said that you really didn't care about these girl. But, the way that you are doing right now are show otherwise".

Kay is currently at the Sacred Tree of Sakura Empire, the place where the beauty can't be compared with anything else. When Wiseman suddenly approaching him, his expression didn't shown any distant or hatred. He is still calm.

"You're not wrong, Wiseman", said Kay. "I really didn't care about these girls in this world. Whatever I do, they probably caused me more problems than I bargain for. Their war also needed to be solved by themselves and the intruders liked me has no reason to interrupt".

"However, it doesn't mean I will let them died in vein. Since The Cell already roaming here, they will be completely destroyed and killed by The Cell".

"Are you feeling guilty because what's happens to Zuikaku, Kay?", asked Wiseman, interrupting his talks. "Or it just you personality?".

"Say whatever you want, Wiseman", said Kay, ignoring his questions. "I don't have any time to talk to you".

Kay is coming to this world due to his duty to eliminate all The Cells that coming here. He has to take the responsibility for this mess, sending creatures that powerful enough to destroy the humanity.

However, he stills has to follow the law of this world. Which he can't kills any lives that belongs to this world. Although, it has some loop hole and exceptions.

"So, what do you want, Wiseman?", asked Kay. "I don't think you are a type of person that want to meet a person who really wants to kill you".

"Hahahaha......I take that as a compliment, Kay", said Wiseman. "It just, you knew that something watching us, right?".


"Now I see, you're curious about that 'thing'. Am I right, Wiseman?", asked Kay.

Wiseman smiles at Kay as he agreed with him. That is no reason for him to come, unless something that pick his interest. That is one of Wiseman 's habits.


"I guess if you don't want to come out.......I just have to kill you", said Kay. "After all, you are not worth to talk".


Kay, who is standing in front of Wiseman suddenly gone.

[Lightning Element, Time Zero]


Kay suddenly shows up in front of something that keep bugging him when he already came here at the Sakura Empire. He is waiting for this 'thing' to approach him, but, that event never happens. Kay also thought this 'thing' is not worthy for him to fight. Therefore, he will finished it just a mere second.

Kay draws Zuikaku's sword and aiming towards its neck. That thing didn't had enough time to think nor to evade. What it knew is, its head already fell down.


The sound came late, after he finished his attack. He just used only a little bit of his element to beheaded it.

Kay takes its head. It seems liked a a girl.....a monster?? It is Tester Beta 's head. Then, he tosses it at Wiseman.

Wiseman gratefully takes the head.

Azur Lane : WisemanWhere stories live. Discover now