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Nine in the morning, one hour late from their plan to meet each other. The sky is calm right now, rendering the thunderstorm a typical one. The surroundings are very foggy, making it hard to see.

But that's not exactly the problem here. Late is not a matter of concern, because a thunderstorm may be a good excuse for them.

It's something different,

Where are they now? The forces of the Sakura Empire are gone. They should be here based on their knowledge. The evidence that they've been here for a while is very compelling. It either can be seen as a number of sirens that have been destroyed are remained here. Yet, no one's here.

Kay touches one of the sirens that was destroyed, the destroyer. It's awful. The siren was destroyed by a single blow, smashed like a tiny bee.

"It's terrible, Master," Belfast said. "Looks like their forces have been defeated. You 're sure you 're not the guilty party here. Only the Master can do that kind of thing to them."

Belfast is the only girl from Azur Lane who went with him to meet Akagi. She saw something beyond inhumanity. Thankfully, only sirens are here, not Azur Lane.

"I have no reason to do that," Kay said. "There's no need for me to do this kind of stuff. Don't forget that you're with me yesterday, because you're afraid I'm going to meet Akagi here alone."

After the meeting, Belfast went to Kay 's room to oversee him. Kay's going to go alone, according to the initial plan. He refused their suggestion to not go alone and making Belfast to go with him to meet Akagi. Kay was reluctant but agreed after being forced by them. Yet Belfast doesn't really trust Kay because he's done something unexpectedly like that before.

"I am very sorry, Master for blaming you," Belfast said as she bowed. "Please forgive me for that."

"That's good enough." Kay said that.

Kay is looking at his surroundings, trying to find something that will help him with the current circumstances.

"What are you looking for, Master?" said Belfast.

"Survivor," Kay answered. "Or something that will help me understand this situation."

"Did you know anything about that?" Belfast asked.

"They 're clearly being attacked here," Kay said. "They may be powerful enough to defeat the sirens, but this kind of thing is impossible for them."

Kay is pointing his fingers at the sirens that have been destroyed. Many of them were smashed, cut in half, and some of them don't look like a ship anymore.

"Can you really do that?", Kay asked. "Like smashing and tossing big ships like that."

"That's unlikely," Belfast said. "We might be powerful, but we're not monsters."

"That's the answer," Kay said. "If it's not us or them, then who? It's possible for the sirens to do that. Like their leader or whatever you've called."

"High-class sirens? No, it's also unlikely," said Belfast.

Kay's going to stay silent. He knew the answer to their problem. It's very obvious who is targeting them. The creatures he called "The Cell," the creatures that were hunted by him. His sole duty to eliminate all of them.

It could be a big issue because he doesn't know where 'The Cell' is hidden. They're enormous, it's impossible that the creatures can stay concealed and can't be seen with naked eyes.

"Changing of the plan," Kay said. "We need to be regrouped."

As Kay had finished the sentences. He shot a flare gun, a blue smoke could be seen, and the girls who were hiding in the fog could see it clearly.

Azur Lane : WisemanWhere stories live. Discover now