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This event happens before Chapter 65.

"So, you want to know our powers?", asked Kay as Nagato suddenly asked him regarding his element and others esper powers. "I mean, I can tell you, but I don't think it will give you any benefit..."

"It sure will help us", said Nagato. "Everyone of us has higher hopes for Kay-sama and his friends to guide us. Have a mutual understanding about their powers will help us..."

"Hurmm...what do you think, Rex?", asked Kay. "I fine with that but it's up to you to talk about your power..."

"I have no complain...", said Rex. "I'm sure the others won't bother too much about this matter..."

Lucian, Chen, and Kuroki nod while enjoying the tea made by Belfast. For them, knowing their powers are not a big deal and consider this is not their world, nothing bad will happens.

Most of the girls already know Kay power, focusing on lighting element especially when he fights against his enemies. Not to mention his swordsmanship and fighting capabilities are higher than anyone.

"I want to hear that too", said Belfast. "Can I?

"Yeah, sure, why not", said Kay. "I mean since you are already here. It's a shame if you have to leave this room..."

Shoukaku, Takao, Nagato, Kawakaze, Taihou, Eugen, Wales, Illustrious, Queen Elizabeth, Warspite, Cleveland and Essex are already in this room, want to ask Kay regarding the siren problems.

"Let see, who want to go first?", asked Kay.

"I can go first", said Rex. "I'm an Esper, capable to teleport any object or living thing within my range. To be fair, my esper is suitable for support role but it doesn't mean I'm weaker than anyone here. In fact, my esper makes any battle easier because I can easily teleport in front of them. Of course, because of that, I'm using heavy claymore as my main weapon. After all, who need strength if I can easily teleport and stab my enemies..."

"But you still lost against Kay who doesn't use any of his element", said Chen. "Your reflexes are not good as Kay but at least you are clever than this fucker..."

"Hahh!! Say again I dare you!!", shouted Kuroki.

"Alright, that's enough", said Rex. "I don't it's fair for us to compare with Kay. But I still not talk about Final Burst..."

"Final Burst?", asked Nagato. "May I ask what that is?"

"Final Burst is the strongest attack that can esper or element wield in the battle", said Kay. "The authorities will have that data to compare our power and give the rank based on several condition."

"Tch, that bastard is just evaluate us based on strength only", said Chen. "That's why most of us lied about it..."

"Let's not talk about that", said Rex. "My final burst is called Infinite Attack, attack that pierce the target."

"It's anti-unit and the rank is A to be fair", said Kay. "Basically, this man uses his teleportation to attack the target using the claymore until the target down or gives up. The attacks are heavy and fast, but it's not strong enough the win against barrier."

"Alright, now it's my time", said Kuroki. "I'm an Esper, Absorb and Release. As the name suggest, my esper is the most useful here compared to this fucker."

"What do you say, hah!!", shouted Chen. "Your esper power mostly just absorb force and release it to attack. Even I can do that!!"

"But it's a shame you can't make any barrier or move fast", said Kuroki, demeaning Chen. "My esper is versatile after all, hahahahaha..."

"Well, regarding to his final burst, it just ranks B", said Rex. "Beyond Infinity, forces that destroy the surrounding. However, it is very useful for since Kuroki can do it many times in short time."

The other girls look at Kuroki and sigh, if his attitude is better. They can appreciate him a little bit more.

"What about Lucian?", asked Belfast.

"Lucian...illusion", said Lucian. "Illusion...disappear...nightmare..."

"Lucian is an esper that can create an illusion", said Rex. "For example, you are seeing him drinking a tea, but I doubt he really did that. What he is doing right now, Kay?"


Kay snaps his finger to activate his element to destroy Lucian's illusion. They finally realized that Lucian is not there anymore, instead, Lucian is sitting in the corner while reading a book.

"His illusion is very dangerous, but it still can't beat Kay and Kuroki", said Rex. "As for us, you should very aware around you surrounding when against him."

"As for his final burst, Imaginary Illusion, illusion that become real", said Kay. It is rank S and an anti-army, capable to deceive the enemies by altering the fake and truth."

"This man is dangerous", thought the girls. "Thank god, he is our ally..."

"Now, next one is Chen", said Kay. "An esper who specialize in chains. He can control the chains and create it within his body."

"But this fucker tries to copy Kay", said Kuroki. "He is not a sword user, but still wants to use it."

And the fights begin between Kuroki and Chen while the other girls see them punch each other's without any sign to stop.

"Ignore those two, his final burst is...", said Kay.


Zuikaku enters the room with Amagi-chan. Upon seeing Kay, Amagi-chan runs happily at him.

"I'm sorry, Kay", said Zuikaku. "But, Amagi-chan wants to meet you desperately."

"Papa...papa...papa...Amagi-chan misses you", said Amagi-chan.

"Yes, yes...Rex, can you take care from here?", asked Kay. "Zuikaku and I will take care of Amagi-chan."

"Sure, no problem", said Rex.

Seeing Kay and Zuikaku leave this place, Kuroki, Chen, and Lucian decide to leave as they have something important things to do.

"Ano...may I know about Chen-sama and Master-sama final burst?", asked Belfast.

"Their final burst is special", said Rex. "I'm sure you already seen Kay's final burst. It's called, Transient Light, the light that penetrate the will. Strong enough to consider an anti-world and the rank itself is not a lie, rank EX."

"As for Chen, his final burst is called, Last Wish, an arrow that brings the hope and has the same rank as Transient Light..."

"His final burst is special indeed and to be fair, I rather don't see it ever again..."

"Do not forget, we are still human..."

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