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"Yup...there she is", said Chen upon seeing Observer chilling in the middle of the sea. "Make sure to keep your illusion up, Lucian. I will say that bitch won't see this coming and the moment she found out, it's already too late..."

Lucian and Chen are leading these girls to fight Observer in order to capture her due to an involvement with the cell. They are the commander of Royal Navy and Eagle Union after all.

"She is not alone which is a fucking problem, but it's not liked it's enough to trouble you, right?", asked Chen.

"Of course, we are strong enough to defeat them", said Essex.

"Good, now I wonder what kind of face she will make...", said Chen.

Chen then let out an evil laugh, causing Essex to scold him.

"Commander!! Please don't laugh like that, this makes us like an evil organization that come to beat them", scolded Essex.

" not?", asked Chen, surprised.

"No!! Since when we are from evil side? We are the good one!!", shouted Essex. "We are the one who protects the humanity from the sirens!!"

"Uh...wait a minute", said Chen as he takes out a smartphone and immediately calls Rex. It takes a few seconds before someone finally answered the call even though it is not Rex. "Rex!! I have a fucking question that I need to know..."

"Ano...this is Helena", said Helena. "I'm sorry but please wait for a while before I connect your call with him..."

"Since when I need to wait for Rex to answer the goddam call?", asked Chen.

"I'm sorry but this is standard procedure that commander Kay made due to siren interference", said Helena. "Don't worry I will connect your call to him quickly as I can..."

Let say, it's not that quick as Chen waits patiently which causing the situation becomes more awkward.

"It's exactly this kind of bullshit that makes me want to kill people...", said Chen as he waits for Rex to answer the call.

"Rex here, what kind of help do you need from me, or did you forget what you need to do, Chen?", asked Rex. "Or did you face any problem?"

"I just wanted to ask, is Azur Lane is the good one?", asked Chen.

"Ah, so you are the second person", said Rex. "I gonna say that I'm not expecting that from you, Chen. You are the least person I expect to still don't know about the situation in this world."

A few days before when Kay and his friends are having a meeting regarding the operation which Lucian and Chen been tasked to lead the Operation Observer.

"So our mission is to defeat all the remaining cells while helping these girls to defeat sirens which become the threat of humanity", said Kay as he explains to them. "Remember that we are the 'good side', don't forget about it..."

Rex, Chen, Lucian, and Kuroki nod at Kay, telling him that they are understand even though Kay shook his head.

"I can sense that there are two people that still don't understand our situation but whatever...", said Kay.

Now back to current situation after Rex explains all the details regarding the question.

"Then there is no reason to call us", said Chen. "I have respect toward Kay but being a good boy is not my expertise."

"I can't wait to see Kuroki's face when he knows we are the good one..."

"Can you just focus on your mission?", asked Rex. "And it's not Kuroki by the way, it was Lucian..."

Azur Lane : Wisemanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن