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A little girl stopped hiding and walked towards Kay. The little girl wearing liked red kimono with white coat, has brown haired colour with buns. She seems pretty sad and almost wants to cry.

"You are...Zuikaku", said Kay as he lowers his body, calling Zuikaku to come to him. "What's wrong, little one? Did something happen to you?"

Zuikaku-chan just remain silent and try to avoid looking at Kay. She seems starting to cry.

"What's wrong, little one?", asked Kay while petting Zuikaku's head. "Don't cry, I'm here for you, remember. Is someone bullying you or are you hurt?"

"", said Zuikaku-chan. "It just, I'm very bad compare to other sister. Shoukaku-nee, must hate me because I'm not good as other."

"This little girl isn't a problematic child, Kay", said Amagi. "It just, her abilities are just too...underwhelmed, at least compare to others around her ages."

"I can't be liked other sisters, nii-chan", said Zuikaku-chan. "I can't used the same weapon as Shoukaku-nee using. Kaga-chan and Atago-chan used the same weapon as their sisters but I can't..."

"What kind of weapon she used, Amagi?", asked Kay.

"A flute, a same weapon as Shoukaku used", answered Amagi.

Kay tries to recall since as he knew, Zuikaku used a sword as a weapon and not a flute. Most likely she did not use the suitable weapon to unleash her true powers.

"Am I a bad girl, nii-chan?", asked Zuikaku-chan. "Is that the reason why I'm a failure?"

"No, you are a good girl, Zuikaku-chan", said Kay.

"Is that true?", asked Zuikaku-chan. "Is that true, nii-chan?

"Yeah, you will be great girl when you grow up, little one", said Kay. "You will become one of the greatest shipgirl liked the others."

"A fine woman too, especially your ches...."

"Ehem...ehem....Kay", said Amagi, looking at Kay. "Lets not lie to a little girl too much, would you. It's bad for her if we tell her a false hope."

"Well, I doubt that", said Kay while calming Zuikaku-chan. "She will be a great shipgirl."

When Kay first meets Zuikaku, she seems pretty scared and probably because of the cell that she had to fight. But, the longer he knew Zuikaku, the more he believes with her.

Rakurai itself is the proof, since there is nobody that can use the sword easily as she does.

"Say, Zuikaku-chan...maybe you don't need to use a flute as your weapon", said Kay. "There are lot of weapons you can choose, little one."

"But...Kaga-chan, Atago-chan and Hiryuu-chan use same weapon as their sister, nii-chan", said Zuikaku-chan. "Shoukaku-nee will be sad if I use other than flute liked other sisters."

"That's not true, little one", said Kay. "I'm sure Shoukaku-chan will be more happier to see you happy rather than seeing you unhappy and sad."

Zuikaku-chan seems to be hesitated and doesn't know how to make decisions.

"How about this, I will make you a new weapon", said Kay. "Just for a little girl liked you, well as long as you don't be sad anymore."

"Nii-chan will?", asked Zuikaku-chan.

"Yes, I will", said Kay. "So, what kind of weapon do you want to use, little one?"

Kay knows that sooner or later, Zuikaku will use a sword when she grows up. But, he will not tell her just liked that.

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