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"Hurmm?? Well...", said Kay as he looked at the building and the blueprint several times.

The building that built by manjuus seemed to be exactly what Kay asked for as in the blueprint. Yet what surprised Kay was that the time built up was very short.

"I guess I did the good job by bringing the manjuus with me in this mission", said Kay. "Because I don't expect you can build faster than I expected. Not gonna complain but I will give credit where it belongs."

"Now, let see what Mashiro is doing..."

When Kay tries to see what Mashiro is doing, he senses that a fleet of sirens is already here, surrounding the island that Kay and Mashiro are occupying. Because Kay was too busy, he didn't notice the arrival of the enemies.

"Hahh...MASHIRO!! STOP SENDING THEM HERE!!", shouted Kay as he draws his sword.



A few minutes later, Kay managed to subdue all the sirens of the ships that were here easily without breaking a sweat. Although his mental takes some damages because this is the fifth time for today.

"Why am I destroying them again?", asked Kay as he tries to remember back the incident.

Earlier that day, as Kay and some manjuus were busy building a shelter, they were greeted with the arrival of siren ships entering their waters.

"Oh, just some siren ships", said Kay as he looks at the fleet. "Since Mashiro can control them, there will be no problem, right?"

"Are they friendly?"


As soon as Kay asked the question, the siren ships suddenly pointed their guns at Kay and started firing at him.

"Nope, of course not. Well, here I go again", said Kay as he activates his element. "This won't take too long to finish them so let make it quick."

Now back to reality as Kay sighed a bit, thinking how many times he fought with sirens for today.

"Mashiro...can you please stop sending them here?", asked Kay. "To be fair, I don't mind really but it will be a huge problem when they start firing at this island."

"Is they any reason for you to send them here?"

"", said Mashiro.

"This bad child...", said Kay as he tries to complain to Mashiro, but she doesn't understand what Kay is complaining about. "Wait a minute, doesn't that mean the reason why sirens gotten stronger in the future because of me. You took my data as references to fight."

"Please say no."

Mashiro looks at Kay with a feeling of wonder as she doesn't know what Kay is talking about. The curiosity of the child, maybe a little overboard.

Since Kay kept destroying all the siren ships, she sent, it picks her curiosity to test Kay even more.

"Never mind", said Kay as he pets Mashiro's head. "Just don't sent them here please. We are building you a new home and it will be huge problem if they keep bombing this island."

"Look at these manjuus, they worked hard for you."

Kay handed a manjuus that came towards them at Mashiro, hoping that she would understand her actions and wouldn't repeat again.

The manjuus looked at Mashiro, who was staring at it menacingly. Little they know, that Mashiro will do something they will never expect.


Mashiro then bit the manjuus she was holding, causing it to scream.

"MASHIRO!! DON'T EAT THE MANJUUS!!", shouted Kay as he tries to release the manjuus from her.

A few minutes later, seems liked Kay managed to solve it before before it's too late. Mashiro seems to be fed by Kay, seemingly successfully handled by Kay. Although it takes Kay's mental rather than physical.

"This little girl is more problematic than Enty-chan", said Kay in his mind. "Never though this day, I will say this but I'm very grateful that Enty-chan is more behaved than Mashiro."

Kay feeds Mashiro little by little and Mashiro swallows it at her own pace. Kay didn't know what was on Mashiro's since she always silent. He also doesn't know how Mashiro feels about this food.

"Is it delicious, Mashiro?", asked Kay.

Mashiro nods at Kay, telling him that the food was delicious. Since she already ate half of it, she may tell the truth.

"", said Mashiro.

"Good, now can you eat by yourself?", asked Kay.

Mashiro only stares at Kay without answering his question.

"Well, seems liked I had to stay here for a while", said Kay as he continues feeding her.

A few minutes later, Mashiro fell asleep on Kay's lap after feeling full. She slept soundly, unaware that she was with a very frightened person, who could determine her life.

"If the others saw this, will they act the same as me?", asked Kay. "No matter how many times I tried to deny it, the truth is there."

"She is their sole enemy, siren."

Kay was silent for a moment, thinking about what he needed to do.

"But she is still a child, and I don't sense any hatred from her when I touched her", said Kay. "Just liked the other children."

"There are some pieces that still missing."

"The purpose of these children, the reason for the guardian to exist, the truth about the priority ships and sirens..."

"As far I know, these children exist to help the humanity to destroy sirens, but the sirens here are very weak."

"But they are learning and getting stronger just liked the others. If Mashiro is really collecting data from my fight, I can't let it slide."

"As for guardian, they only act as a guardian for the children."

"But the main problem is the priority ships, the reason for their existing is very odd. It's true the sirens are problem to them but having the guardian is enough to protect the children."

"Since the current sirens are much weaker to them and the only thing that make the different is their number. Since Mashiro can mass produce them, they can be outnumbered."

"But a child is still a child, no matter how many them is, the siren tactic is just a child play."

"Hurmm...well, not my problem."

Kay felt that she shouldn't have thought much about their problems. He came here not to help them; he came here to kill all the cells.

"Now, let take Mashiro to...", said Kay as he realized that Mashiro isn't here anymore.


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