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"Ironblood still hasn't responded to our message," Kay said. "Apparently they stick to their stand and don't recognize us especially you ... Kuroki."

"The commander of Ironblood, Kuroki ..."

Kuroki, Rex, Lucian and Chen listened intently to what Kay had to say while sipping the tea that Belfast made.

"If they don't recognize us then it doesn't matter, right?", asked Kuroki. "I don't really want the position either, I'm happy with what I'm doing now ..."

"Enjoy and wash the eyes..."

"Yeah, no wonder Ironblood doesn't want him...I mean look at him! So pathetic...", said Chen.

"What do you say!!", shouted Kuroki.

The two started arguing but were stopped by Rex.

To be fair, Kuroki does not need to be the commander of Ironblood. However, due to the severe dispute between the two parties, Kay had to intervene.

Sakura Empire and Royal Navy already gives full support toward Kay while Eagle Union is slowly but progressing due to some circumstances.


"Ano...master-sama, someone sends you a box...", said Belfast while carrying a very beautiful box.

"Box? Who send it?", asked Kay. "I don't remember that I need a box. Anyone of you, maybe?"

"No, it is for you, master-sama", said Belfast. "Alongside with this letter..."

Kay then took this box and placed it on the table. He thought for a moment and looked at Rex and the others.

They all nodded and pulled out their weapons.

"Wait a moment!!", shouted Belfast, surprised and shocked. "Ano...master-sama, I don't think you need to extra careful liked that..."

Kay was already pointing his sword at the box at this moment.

"Well, what I'm suppose to do? Open it?", asked Kay.

Belfast nods at him, eagerly.

"Hahh...let's read this letter first...", said Kay as he opens the letter and read it. "For a princess who deserves the love, may deserves to receive it from the gentlemen she loves...Wiseman..."

"Who?", asked all of them.

"Just forget it...", said Kay as he opens the box.

Five rings with crystal gems adorned inside it. So beautiful yet precious in the eyes, be a dream for every woman to have it.

Each ring has its own box, a heart shape.

"Yup, let's throw it...", said Kay.

"Wait a moment, master-sama!!", shouted Belfast.

"Very beautiful rings, I must say", said Rex. "It feels liked...these rings are a marriage ring...or oath ring..."

"All for Kay? must very popular here, Kay", said Kuroki.

"Of course not", said Kay. "Mostly likely its for five of us..."

Rex, Chen, Lucian and Kay stare at each other and nod. Then, they look at Belfast.

A moment later...

"Sorry Belfast, we are having a man talk right now", said Kay. "Come here later..."

"Wait...master-sama...", said Belfast, only for Kay to close the door.

" let's talk about this...ring...wait...", said Kay as he sees a woman in the meeting room.

It is Taihou, lurking and hiding inside.

"Rex...if you please...", ordered Kay.

"Sorry lady, but you need to leave...", said Rex as he touches Taihou, teleport her outside of the room.

"Wait...I need to hear that too, shikikan-sama!!", shouted Taihou.




Location unknown, time unknown...

"That human...if he can just stay sleeping, we will win that battle", said Observer. "No, I should know that he will come to save them..."

"I must make a new plan..."

"You don't call him 'that human', Observer", said a woman voice. "He is our father..."

Mashiro slowly approached Observer who did not think the queen would visit her. She has grown up, becomes a very beautiful woman indeed.

"Mashiro-sama...I'm sorry", said Observer, lowers her head. "I don't expect to see Mashiro-sama here..."

"I did say not to disturb father duty", said Mashiro. "And yet, you still ignore my wonder you lose, Observer."

"But in order to destroy Azur Lane, we need 'that power', Mashiro-sama", said Observer. "The ability of the cell, its power alone may destroy all the humanity..."

However, the cells here are not mature yet, which is the reason why Observer intends to use it on Orochi, only to destroy by Kay.

"I don't expect that human to have the power to destroy Orochi in single attack", said Observer. "Transient Light...that power is too enormous and dangerous to let alone..."

"Did Mashiro-sama know too?", asked Observer.

"I already seen it once, when I was younger...", said Mashiro. "And I don't want to remember it, Observer...Never again..."

Mashiro then starts to leave Observer but stops to tell her a warning.

"Leave the cell alone, Observer", said Mashiro. "Before father gets angry..."

Just a silent from Observer, not a single respond from her.

"That human is already here since a few months ago. Yet, Mashiro-sama still doesn't want to meet him", said Observer. "May I ask why?"

"I'm waiting for him to find me...liked a good girl", said Mashiro. "No matter how long he will take, I will be waiting for him..."




"Seems liked we have no other choice", said Kay. "Kuroki, get ready because we have to go somewhere else..."

"And where that exactly?', asked Kuroki.

"Where do you think?", asked Kay. "It is obviously Ironblood HQ..."

"Hahhh! Why!! There is nothing there except trouble!", shouted Kuroki. "I prefer here and look at the beautiful woman."

"That are plenty of hot women there too...", said Rex. "Not to mention the beautiful one..."

"I'm in...", said Kuroki. "What are we waiting for..."

"This little...", said Chen. "Hahh...any reason for you to go there, Kay?"



"The third there..."

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