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"Kay!! Please...wakes up!!"

Kay awoke from sleep in shock, a feeling of wonder engulfing him as he kept getting the same dream repeatedly. He rubbed his face, trying to calm himself.

There was a very loud thunder outside, it rained heavily, and lightning struck. Kay looked out the window, the pitch -dark night rained down with heavy rain, making him a little cold.

"Haah ... always the same", said Kay. "Same voice...same girl..."

As Kay tried to go back to sleep, he felt something pull at his sleeve.

"Mashiro? What's wrong, Mashiro?", asked Kay upon seeing her pulling his sleeve.

"Mashiro...can't...sleep...scary", said Mashiro.

"I see...then you can stay here", said Kay.

Mashiro nodded her head at Kay. She then, tried to sleep on Kay's bed.

"It's been raining for a while", said Kay. "Not to mention the thunder and lightning struck...but don't worry, nothing will hurt you, Mashiro."

Mashiro gently held Kay's hand, she could feel the coolness of Kay's hand. Her hands are already cold but can't be compared with Kay.

"Mashiro...hands...cold...", said Mashiro.

"Really? Mashiro's hands are warm though", said Kay. ", go back to sleep, Mashiro."

Mashiro nodded her head and tried to go back to sleep. Slowly she closed her eyes, and slowly she felt sleepy. Furthermore, with the very cold atmosphere, Mashiro fell asleep.

Kay smiled a little and stroked Mashiro's hair that was asleep. He then sighed and tried to think.

"Do I do the right thing? Did I do what I wasn't supposed to do?", asked Kay himself.


"By the way, what are you doing here, Manjuus?", asked Kay as he saw plenty of Manjuus sleep in his room. "You have your own room. So, go back to your room please?"

The manjuus stay silent and try to look away from Kay, trying to avoid looking into Kay's eyes.

"Haah...whatever", said Kay as he goes back to sleep.




" eyes...", said Kay as he opens his eyes. "Why so hot..."

When Kay woke up from sleep and tried to open his eyes, the rays of the sun shone indicating the day was already noon. Kay just wakes up, together with the manjuus that sleeping in his room.

"Oh good...everybody wakes up!", shouted Kay. "It's already noon!"

"Mashiro wakes...up...??"

Kay tries to wake Mashiro, until he realizes that Mashiro is no longer here. Since it's already noon, Mashiro is probably already awake.

"Mashiro?", said Kay as he tries to look her at his room.

After finding out that Mashiro is not in his room, Kay goes out to find her.

"Mashiro!! Are you here!", shouted Kay, calling Mashiro. "Where this little girl goes? Doesn't seem liked she left this island."

"Mashiro! Where"

While Kay was trying to find Mashiro, he saw a little girl trying to eat something. As he goes closer to her, Kay saw that Mashiro is trying to eat the manjuus that she is grabbing. Well, it's already noon and she might feel hungry.

"MASHIRO!! DON'T EAT THE MANJUUS!! ", shouted Kay as he quickly went toward her.

A few minutes later, Kay is feeding Mashiro with real food that she can eat, and not the manjuus. Mashiro isn't complain about the food, in fact she just eating without saying anything about the food.

"Here, opens your mouth, Mashiro", said Kay as he feeds Mashiro.

"Hah...can you please don't start the day with me keeps, shouting at you, Mashiro? If you hungry, just come to me and I will feed you."

"And also, please don't go away without telling me first. You don't know how many times I had to find you because you kept missing from my eyes."

Mashiro did not answer Kay's request, in fact, she continued to chew the food while looking at Kay with a feeling of wonder.

"Do you understand, what I'm talking about", asked Kay. "Well, whatever..."

"Is there something wrong, Mashiro?"

Mashiro paused and started talking something to Kay.

"Mashiro...feel...odd...", said Mashiro. "Mashiro...never...treat...liked...this..."


"Maybe because you're the bad person, but I won't say anything about that", said Kay in his mind.

"Mashiro...near...them...and...attack...Mashiro...", said Mashiro. "Mashiro... is ... alone...but...Mashiro...don't...give...up."

"Mashiro...little girl...near...them...but...they...still...attack...Mashiro..."

"Alright, let my brain think what Mashiro is saying to me", said Kay in his mind. "So, if I add all the pieces..."

There are lot to say about this matter. The bad person what Mashiro is talking about are probably Monarch and the other priority ships. So far, only them have met and fought with the siren. The first time Mashiro meets them is in the form of a siren ship, and they attack the siren ship without warning.

"Consider Mashiro's personality and the siren ship, I expect that Monarch and the others immediately attack Mashiro", said Kay in his mind. "Everyone will think it was enemy ship that coming to attack them so I can understand their reason."

However, Mashiro manages to improve and make a clone girl like Monarch, the little sirens, which they immediately been slaughtered. For what Mashiro said, she just wanted to be friends with them but was attacked.

"But the war between sirens are still going on even though several years have passed", said Kay in his mind. "And looking at Mashiro, there is no way she..."

"There are lot of pieces that still missing. There is still a long way to go to find the reason."

Because Kay is busy thinking, ignoring Mashiro, which makes her to pull Kay's sleeve to get his attention.

"Is...Mashiro...bad...girl?", asked Mashiro.


"There are no bad people, Mashiro", said Kay. "They are just ordinary people, who sometimes been mistaking as evil. They are bad because the people called them, and yet, they don't sit and be in the place of people they called evil."

"You're not a bad just a naughty child."




"Haah...and there she is, falling asleep on my lap again", said Kay.

Mashiro began to feel sleepy after eating and fell asleep on Kay's lap. Seeing Mashiro's asleep face, Kay gently stroked her hair.

"Now, I wonder, who is the bad one?", said Kay.

"Isn't that right, Wiseman?"

Azur Lane : WisemanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang