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"Girls...let me remind you that I'm still badly injured", said Kuroki as he was beating by Belfast, Taihou and Eugen.

"You deserve every bit of it, Kuroki", said Kay. ""You really see her based on her chest, gonna say it's very inappropriate from your fucking standard..."

"Hey, it's not my fault", said Kuroki. "They were asking me about her and the only similarities I see is her chest. Not gonna lie, her pretty big by the way..."

Belfast and Eugen were not happy to hear that and gave a sharp glance at Kuroki. Even Kay shook his head and continues to play with Amagi-chan.

"There must be something else, right?", asked Zuikaku.

"Well, I only meet her occasionally, rare opportunity or coincidence," Kuroki said. "I mean, she's shy and doesn't talk too much compared to you girls which are fucking noisy..."

Another sharp glance at Kuroki.

"Well, that's true though...", said Kay. "She never talks too much at anyone else and even the others have a hard day to deal with her. Nevertheless, she is kind and caring..."

Seeing Kay praise his girlfriend makes Zuikaku, Belfast, Eugen and Taihou feel jealous. Still, they could see Kay's very happy face when talking about her, making the feeling of jealousy go away.

"But, only her chest...hah", said Eugen. "Is it only our chest that catches your eye, Kay?"

"Let me remind you that you come to me", said Kay. "It's just a coincidence..."

"You can look at Taihou's chest anytime you want, Shikikan-sama!!", shouted Taihou as she embraced Kay.

"Taihou, shut up", responded Kay.

"Now, when I think about it, aren't yours, Lucian's and Chen's secretaries have a big chest too?", asked Kuroki. "Holy shit, time to find my secretary too..."

Their secretaries were Perseus, Zuikaku and Essex from Royal Navy, Sakura Empire and Eagle Union.

"That is also a coincidence", said Kay. "Please don't choose your secretary based on their chest..."

"I will still choose it based on their chest", said Kuroki, causing Kay to shout at him.




"Say Kay...when is the last time you meet her?", asked Kuroki.

"I stay in this world longer that you expect, Kuroki", said Kay.

"Then, go fucking meet her", said Kuroki. "I know time doesn't move in our world but my god, you can't use this as an excuse to not meet her. It's not liked you have any restriction to go back to our world..."

"I will meet her when we finish our job here", said Kay as he continues to play with Amagi-chan.

"That will be years then, just go fucking meet her, would you?", asked Kuroki politely. "And talk about the marriage thing..."

"I don't think she will be pleased to hear that", said Kay. "But I already said that, I will meet her after we finished our duties here..."

"Is there any reason for you not to want to meet her, master-sama?", Belfast asked.

It takes some time for Kay to respond as to Belfast's question but the answer itself is quite vague.

"Papa, are you alright?", asked Amagi-chan.

Kay sighs and carry Amagi-chan on his lap as he frequently tells her nothing wrong, ensuring her as he calms her down.

"Can you just stop fucking running away and meet her?", asked Kuroki.

"And now, we have a person who can read the mood", thought Belfast, Zuikaku, Eugen and Taihou. "But he is right..."

"You see a glimpse of her personality from these girls, don't you?", Kuroki asked causing the girls to be shocked. "Seeing them make you want to meet her, but you afraid and fucking run, using that as an excuse doesn't suit you, Kay..."

"Hahhh, I don't know how you can forget our plan but still saw a small detail", said Kay. "Yeah, it's true I did see some similarities between her and them. I won't say that was my excuse though..."

Belfast then took the courage to tell Kay what she was thinking.

"Master-sama...if...if you liked, I could try to become liked her...", said Belfast as she holds Kay's hands. "I probably won't have a personality like hers, her kindness and her love toward you. You must be very lonely and yet, I only think for myself..."

Kay chuckles and then releases his hands from Belfast.


Kay suddenly flicked Belfast's forehead.

"You don't have to do that, Belfast", Kay said. "Actually, none of you should try to be like her ..."

"But, master-sama..."

"You're already perfect, Belfast...", said Kay. "You don't have to be like her, just be yourself...liked you always do. That's the reason why I like about you, Belfast."

Belfast's face slowly turned red while the others looked at her with a jealous look.

"Can... can you say it again, master-sama?", asked Belfast.

"That's the reason I like about you?", asked Kay.

After hearing what Kay had to say, Belfast covered her flushed face, unable to contain her excitement. As for the others, they may have some words with Kay later on.

"Ahem...ahem, please flirt anywhere else...", said Kuroki. "I don't come here to watch any of you go lovey-dovey in front of my fucking eyes. So, get out from this room and Kay, go fucking meet her and choose the girl you want to marry..."

"That oath ring is also your problem, but I won't say that to him now...", thought Kay.

"So, what will you do now?", asked Kay.

"I don't know, what commander really do by the way?", asked Kuroki.

Belfast then brought a stack of documents and placed them on the table, leaving Kuroki stunned. It didn't end there because it was Eugen's and Taihou's turn to bring the document and put it on the table.

" I have to read all of these?", asked Kuroki.

"Yes, every piece of it...", said Kay.

"Well, can I resign?", asked Kuroki.




Ironblood, where Graf Zeppelin and Bismarck are busy talking and dealing with problems posed by Kuroki. The destroyed building is now being rebuilt with the help of manjuus.

"Hahh...what has gone wrong?", Asked Bismarck. "In the end, we have to accept him to become our commander."

"It is not wrong for us to be led under him, Bismarck," said Graf Zeppelin. "He is undeniably strong, not as strong as Kay but enough for us to trust him ..."

"Hurmm, this isn't like you at all", said Bismarck. "I thought you hate him?"

"I hate everything," said Graf Zeppelin. "But I don't hate strong leader. Although he did send our friends to the hospital, I must say that they deserve to get that especially the one who did nothing but trouble..."

Bismarck shook her head and sighed, she looked around only to see the half -destroyed building. He is strong, like what Bismarck thought. But strength should not be the only reason why he was chosen.

"I'm a failure as a leader, isn't", thought Bismarck. "Hurmm...what is this?"

Near the half -destroyed building, there is an object that picks her interest which she eventually grabbed it and stared at it.

"A box?", asked Bismarck as she opens it, only to see a ring. "A ring?"

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