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"What's wrong, onii-chan", asked Unicorn as she is talking to Kay. "Are you okay, onii-chan".

Kay is facing several problems that led him to bust out from the meeting room in Azur Lane. With Cell still roaming around without any lead, adding these girls problem probably cause him several headaches.

"Commander! Commander!", shouted Javelin with energetic voice. "Are you taking a rest?".

"Do you want sleep, commander?", asked Laffey.

Kay gives Unicorn a little head pat as he is trying to make Unicorn less worrying about him. He tells her that he is all alright, although the real situation is otherwise.

After Kay and the others managed to meet the reinforcements, the situation is quite tense as Enterprise grabs his collar angrily. Belfast and Wales are trying to calm Enterprise.

"What the meaning of this, commander!", shouted Enterprise. "Why are you letting the enemies go away?".

Kay refused to answer and said nothing to her, making her more furious and mad at him. Only Essex and Shangri-La are the only girls that have light injuries. The others are badly injured and being treated by Vestal.

Their injuries is adding oil to burning fire for Enterprise. She is starting to questioning Kay 's abilities and commands for the fleet.

"We have important matters to deal first, Enterprise", said Kay calmly. "We are done here". Kay pushed her hands that grabbing his collar and walks away.

"Everyone, retreat to Azur Lane!!", shouted Kay.

Wales, Belfast and the others Royal Navy shipgirls followed the order without questioning it. To avoid any problems, Wales asked Belfast to stay with Kay until they reached Azur Lane.

Enterprise is reluctant to accept the order. However, she has no choices unless to accept it since they enemies are already withdrawn from the battle.

"As you wish, Madam Wales", said Belfast. Then, she decides to stay with Kay who is currently with Vestal.

"What I should do, my majesty", said Wales, trying to calm herself and find the answer to the problem.

After they reached Azur Lane, Kay has agreed with Wales to make a meeting with the others. Leader and representative of Eagle Union and Royal Navy already there to discuss the problems.

The atmosphere in the room is quite tense with mixed feeling. Enterprise makes everyone knew that she is not happy with the current situation.

Queen Elizabeth, Warspite, Hood, Illustrious, Wales and Belfast leader and representative from Royal Navy while Enterprise, Hornet, Essex, Cleveland and Vestal from Eagle Union. Akashi also take a part of the meeting after being forced (baited) by Kay.

"Don't worry about me", said Cleveland. "I am good enough to walk, this injury is nothing!".

"Hah.....Please don't force yourself, Cleveland", said Vestal. "Now, I have two girls to handle now".


They became silent when they hear someone knocking the door. Kay is opened the door and entering the meeting room. His hands are full with reports for that operation.

He sit on the chair that Belfast prepared for him. With everything is ready, he starts the meeting while Belfast is standing beside him.


"Kaga and Akagi are siding with sirens!!", said Wales. "Are you sure, commander".

"You should ask this green cat.....I mean Akashi", said Kay. "Can you told us more, Akashi?".

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