Yep time to talk about this peice of shit again........My day is ruined

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I'm gonna question something and it's not even the most obvious question. Which is "why the fuck isn't Dahvie Vanity in jail?". Nope it's another one.

WHY THE HELL DOES HE HAVE A DAMN ACTIVE YOUTUBE ACCOUNT!!!! Yes this complete and utter garbage pile of a human being (I use that term loosely), actually has a damn YOUTUBE account. A goddamn pedophile has a freaking YouTube account.....I'm gonna let that one sink in. Also let sink in a YouTuber by the name of Ashlee Lillie (who might I add has VERY cool looking hair.......just pointing that out to cleanse myself a bit from talking about this dumpster fire of a person) has pretty much encouraged people to massively dislike Vanity's latest video in hopes it will be pushed down from people's subscriptions boxes, which would prevent him from reaching out to another audience with yet another brand name.

His most recent channel name is The Most Vivid Nightmares with 313k subscribers, meaning people STILL enjoy his content. People still are fans of his. Hell maybe some of them don't even know about the shit he has done. Before he disabled the comments, people were actually questioning why he has dislikes. The over 1k dislikes pretty much deceased. He went from the "singer" of Blood On The Dance Floor, To Kawaii Monster (ugh), probably more rebrandings, to The Most Vivid Nightmare in attempts to pretty much pretend his past doesn't exist.

Again, I question, WHY DOES HE HAVE A YOUTUBE CHANNEL THAT IS ACTUALLY THRIVING. With more rebrandings, comes the possibility of more people getting hurt and his victims not getting any kind of justice, and THAT is not something I am ok with.

Just ugh, I hate cancel culture but can we just cancel this ass already? As in, jail time for the rest of his life? Since YouTube doesn't seem to actually give a shit, if the dislikes decreasing means anything. That video is currently at legitimately is as stupid as it sounds.

I'm probably gonna have to end up talking about him again because he just won't go the hell away.

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