Pet Peeves With Fanfiction Part 16

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Guy saves woman from being haressed by a creep and the first thing she says is "i could handled that" or "thanks but I can take care of myself": First off, just thank you is all you need to say. Second of all, nobody said you couldn't. Third, the guy is just being nice and not letting a creep haresses a woman. Fourth, why is that necessary at all to say?!

Guy gets way to handsy with a girl who's not comfortable with it and she says "he just got carried away": Even if he did just get carried carried away, most guys would just APOLOGIZE afterwards and actually stop when they realize the girl is uncomfortable (at least i hope), not continue to do so. He's a creep. Stop making excuses for him.

The bitchy character gets her way: To quote Robin from Anime America, nobody wants the spoiled brat to get her way

Emotionless character with no personality = badass/strong: Sorry I prefer a woman to be strong, badass, AND interesting. Hear that Disney? Stop making your princesses into a girl power movement complete with a sexist asshole just to gain points. Seriously they lost me the moment they had Belle invent washing machines and Jasmine singing her girl power song and making guards disappear in smoke for no reason saying she won't be silenced....only to immediately be silenced by Jafar.

Girl is stuck on a guy who is a complete ass just because he's good looking: I would say in what world does a girl do this....but it's actually a thing some girls do....which is cringy. Unless your love story is gonna have good development, I'm not gonna understand what she saw in the dude.

Guy gets sexually assaulted, it's funny: Thanks for this stupid double standard comedy

This happens ALOT in the Forbidden Love trope, guy breaks up with girl because he doesn't want her fighting with her family over him: Dude, she's fighting with her family BECAUSE they are against the relationship

The mamas boy who doesn't know how to say no and let's they're parents do anything they want: Disrespect his wife/girlfriend? Yes. Let me interfere in the relationship despite him being a grown man? Yes. Is this annoying? Yes.

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