Men's Suffering Isn't Funny

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I shouldn't have to point this out, really I shouldn't......but A MAN SUFFERING DOMESTIC ABUSE ISN'T FUNNY!!! Just because the media regularly treats men getting abused or raped as if it's comedy doesn't mean it's funny. Yet I have to point this out because Drew Barrymore, in her infinite wisdom, decided that Johnny Depp getting abused was funny. I'm not kidding.

It's right there on Twitter. On the official Drew Barrymore Show profile. Dear god fuck this shit. Johnny Depp losing his fucking finger isn't funny, nor his his name being written on the wall in fucking blood. I shouldn't need to say that. I mean fucking honestly Drew, not too long who you were all nice to Lily Rose Depp yet now your gonna sit there and talk shit about her father's abuse? Really?!!! You'll think she would be more sympathetic considering she was a goddamn addict when she wasn't even fucking 13 and had her damn privacy out there for the whole world to see. It's even more infuriating because NOBODY would do this shit if it was a woman getting abused.

But I guess it's now funny because it's a guy. And people wonder why men have a shitty time expressing their emotions. Let's add Drew Barrymore to the list of people in Hollywood I've lost any and all respect for. Welcome to the club Drew. Go say hello to Marilyn Manson and Joan Jett. Goddamn, lost time I was this disappointed in someone I liked it was when I found out Joan Jett defended a fucking rapist probably. That or when Robin Williams made shitty jokes about Michael Jackson that are the furthest thing from funny. Except at least Robin at the decency to feel bad about that. What's her excuse? Reality TV?

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