I don't even know what to say

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Warning: Talks of rape. I will never post about subjects like suicide, rape, depression, etc. without having a warning first for any of my readers who are sensitive to this kind of stuff.

So a few days ago on Father's Day, I see a post on Twitter talking about Jacqueline Louise Fuchs aka Jackie Fox, a former bassist for The Runaways and how she was drugged and raped by their manager, Kim Fowley IN FRONT OF CHERIE AND FUCKING JOAN JETT and they did absolutely NOTHING and she was overall treated like garbage by them to the point of having a breakdown and quitting the band.

Cherie has said she opposed it and stumped out when they didn't listen to her....then that he forced them to watch.........take her words with a grain of salt..

Joan has said she wasn't there....except people who were there said that she was there. Seriously the entire situation is fucked up and Joan's words about Kim sexualizing them when they were UNDERAGED is even worst.


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First off Joan, HE HAD YOU AND THE GIRLS IN LINGERIE WHEN YOU ONLY 17. Not sexualizing my ass!!!! How can she even remain friends and actually DEFEND him when he did that shit to Jackie, who was only 16 YEARS OLD.

Now I know she was underaged herself but I fucking expected better by the person that I saw as this beautiful and badass woman in rock and roll. So much damn better, so yeah I'm still disappointed as hell. You grow older and you fucking learn, you acknowledge how fucked up it was and apologize.

I don't know how much control that sick asshole had over them but I have no excuses for you when you are a grown ass woman by this point Joan.

Second of all, if you weren't there then why the hell are they're people saying you were. Why the hell would JACKIE say that you were. I can't even with this one

Jackie didn't deserve that shit but to have some kind of light at the end of tunnel, she became an attorney, so major props to her and i hope she's doing well.

Full link to that tweet:


I don't know how this escaped me for so long because I regularly praised Joan Jett but it may habe been because i am not a Runaways fan. I am honestly digusted right now. I freaking loved Joan yeah but that shit is not ok nor is it acceptable at all. Not even close. Please for the love of God, DO BETTER.

On a side note: does the Runaways movie even ACKNOWLEDGE Jackie?

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