Fuck Hollywood For This

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So we all know Hollywood is a shady as shit place where horrible things has happened and it's been swept under the rug but............still fuck that industry. The Oscars wanna act like a slap is the ugliest moment in their history even though classic western icon John Wayne tried to attack a indigenous woman who only asked for Hollywood to be less racist and had to be held back by 6 bodyguards. Oh and Clint Eastwood proceeding to mock her. Oh AND the real fucking kicker:

Everyone came out of that situation looking like asses except for Sacheen Littlefeather. From the sounds of it she genuinely cares about her people's struggle and really I can't fault her at all for anything. If anything I find it really fucking pitiful to see grown ass man act like that towards her and the damn audience for booing her. But back to three people and then my own little shit fest with a couple of more bullshit worthy things.

The Oscars gave awards to Roman Polanski, Woody Allen, and Harvey Weinstein. Three known predators in Hollywood. They tried to give a award to Marlon Brando. This is after he and Bernardo Bertolucci of Last Tango In Paris added in a rape scene with Maria Schneider where his character uses a stick of butter to sexually assault her character.......except the scene wasn't in the original script and he didn't tell the actress until mere second before filming that that scene was even in it for the sake of realism. So he basically raped a woman on screen for fucking realism.

John Wayne's interview with Playboy in 1971: "I believe in white supremacy, until the blacks are educated to the point of responsibility. I don't believe giving authority and position of leadership and judgment to irresponsible people....I don't feel we did wrong in taking this great country away from the native Americans....our so called stealing of this country from them was just a matter of survival. There were great numbers of people who needed new land, and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for themselves."

Okay colonizer 3 things:
1. Black people aren't irresponsible just because we're black. Really I think the truly irresponsible ones are ones who support and defend the genocide towards indigenous people and black people are the irresponsible ones.

2. The Native Americans weren't selfishly keeping it to themselves. A lot of them were actually TRYING to be civilized and nice to those assholes and said assholes selfishly took them from, raped their women, and murdered their families including fucking children. And even if they did act possessive of it, why the fuck shouldn't they? It's THEIR land. Not yours. They were here first, you just took it away from them.

3. Only colonizers say some dumb shit like that and think it's cool.

Getting away from that onto my next point of why I really just refuse to ever deal with Hollywood on a personal level:

They supported and protected Victor Salva after he was convicted of molesting a 12 year old Nathan Forrest Winters. So not only did he spend NO time in jail for that shit but he also went on to make a fucking DISNEY movie. Oh it's great worst, it always gets worst. He went on to create Jeepers Creepers 1, 2, & 3. Oh and there's a joke that definitely shows he didn't learn shit in Part 3. And the real kicker? Francis Ford Coppola supported this idiot. Yes the director of The Outsider's (1983). Be very afraid. Let's add Coppola to the "fuck these people" list.

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