1. Hogwarts Express

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Rose sat in the compartment with Albus, the train was leaving, she waved and waved her parents goodbye until they were out of sight.

"Albus! Surely you are not still scared of being sort into Slytherin?" teased James as he poked his head into the conpartment.

"Not at all," mumbled Albus, as he took his robes out of his trunk.

James strolled in and also pulled out his robes from his trunk, and the two brothers went away to get changed, "See you later Rose!" called Albus and James as they went out of the comparment.

A while later, a boy with plantinum blond hair and silvery gray eyes came in rather shyly, "Can I share a compartment with you?" the boy asked politey.

"Sure, there's one free space here," answered Rose, "I'm Rose."

"Hi Rose, I'm Scorpius," he replied.

Just then, James and Albus bursted in the compartment, "Rose! Come on! Let's go buy some Chocolate Frogs!" said James, as he put his clothes back into his trunk.

"Who are you?" asked Albus curiously, looking at Scorpius.

"I'm Scorpius," he said.

"Oh hi! I'm Albus! Want to join us to buy some Chocoloate Frogs?" Albus said.

"Come on! Let's go together! I'm James," James added.

"Great!" Scorpius replied, as the four of them went down to buy some Chocolate Frogs.

"So are you all first years?" asked Scorpius as they walked towards the sweet shop.

"Nah, James's in his third year," answered Albus, "He's my older brother. Rose and I are in our first year."

"I see, I'm in my first year too," said Scorpius, "I can't wait to know which house I am in."

"I hope I get into Gryffindor," said Rose, "Both my parents were in Gryffindor."

"Me too," replied Albus.

"Don't worry, Albus, you'll most likely be in Gryffindor. Our parents and me are in Gryffindor," said James, "Rose too."

"I hope I get into Gryffindor, my parents were in Slytherin but I don't want to go into Slytherin," mumbled Scorpio, "But even my grandparents were all in Slytherin, so I don't think I have much choice."

"Don't worry, tell the Sorting Hat that you don't want to be in Slytherin," said Albus cheerfully, "Cheer up, don't look so sad. Look! The Chocolate Frogs are over there!"

The four of them bought the Chocolate Frogs and went back to the compartment, and they chatted happily all the way towards Hogwarts.

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