50. Trouble

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Scorpius' POV

We boarded the Hogwarts Express after breakfast, splitting into 3 compartments. Al, James, Rose, Suzzy, Annabelle and me in one, while the other Weasleys split into 2.

The train journey was fine. Until I went to the bathroom.

On my way back, I surprisingly bumped into Leo.

"Scorpius," he greeted coolly.

"Leo? You went to Hogwarts?"

"Last night," he said, "I've told them what to do."

"What about me and Annabelle?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Continue what you are doing."


"You haven't told me where is their new headquarters yet."

"I don't know. They didn't even told the Potters or the Weasleys. They said is a precaution."

"Are you sure they are not suspicious?"

"No. Their reason was afraid you would use Legilimency on me."


"Anything else we need to know, or maybe what I should tell them?"

"Hogwarts would be opened next year. Persuade them to come, especially the little mudblood in the group. But I don't think you can, they won't risk her pathetic life, so that's not important. Anyway, Hogwarts would have a new Headmaster next year. I haven't decided on who yet though. I would also add several teachers in Hogwarts."


"Continue to stay in Gryffindor. Anastasia would join Gryffindor as well. I know she is not of age yet, but she will be joining earlier. Casper, Isabelle, and Barthelomew would go to Ravenclaw. Cheyenne, Gabrielle and Alex would go to Hufflepuff. That leaves Violet and Orion in Slytherin."

"What's that for?"

"The Dark Squad. You would be leaders in your house. You shall make sure that the students follow all the rules. I shall be owling you letters in the usual way, through your father."

"Right, I'll tell Annabelle and Anastasia."

"Last thing, you must make sure that they never know I made horcruxes. I've already made 5, I'm trying to make more than 7 for safe keeping."

"I'll do that," I said, hiding the horror and fear. Good thing I did pay attention to dad when he taught me Occlumency.

"Good. And Scorpius, don't let me know you betrayed us."

"I won't."

He nodded and went away.

Phew, I thought. He really is getting in his father's footsteps. Luckily, he hasn't found out about me yet. And I won't let him.

At least Gryffindors would be better under my rule. Hogwarts won't be the same next year.

I sighed. I will surely miss it.

Albus' POV

"What?" we exclaimed.

Scorpius was telling us what Leo had told earlier. And we were horrified.

"Well, I can make sure that Gryffindors would be better. But I can't promise a lot. The Death Eaters would have control over everything."

"Of course. We understand," I said.

"And Suzzy must not come with us."

We nodded.

"Who's going to be Headmaster?"

"I don't know. Leo hasn't decided yet."

"This is going to be interesting," Annabelle said sarcastically.

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